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Aust J Crop Sci. 18(09):564-573 (2024)


Sensory and organoleptic assessment from the byproducts of mamoncillo or quenepa Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq: Alternative food processing and morpho-physiological characterization of the fruit

Juan Carlos Calderón López1,3*, Sarawut Thepanondh1, Kampanad Bhaktikul2

1Faculty of Public Health, Department of Sanitary Engineering, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

2Faculty of Environment and Research Studies, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

3Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sonsonate University, El Salvador




This research aims to analyze the morpho-physiological characteristics of ripe fruit and assess the feasibility and acceptability of agro-industrial byproducts derived from mamoncillo or quenepa (Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq) fruit. In addition to this, it was considered to be the optimal harvest point, which begins at 69% of the Maturity Index. In addition, evaluations of the chemical and morphological characteristics were carried out. To gather analytical scales and calibrator data, the two ripeness phases were analyzed and compared, using the maturity index to establish the optimal harvest point. Ripe fruits have increased shell, juice, pulp, seed, length, width, and thickness than unripe fruits, with 69% maturity being best. Further, it is possible to use the pulp of Melicoccus bijugatus to make syrup, jam, or jelly among other things. For this reason, the hedonic test was conducted with panelists who had not received any prior training in order to ascertain the level of acceptance of these innovative products. The analyses showed that the highest rank given through the panelists by the hedonic test and ranks of taste was "P-2 Pattern-2" with an X = 55.5 (Rank) which is a substitute pattern "Lychee in syrup", the second-highest was X = 52 which is "T-1 Treatment i.e. Melicoccus bijugatus Jelly"' followed by "T-2 Treatment i.e. M. bijugatus in syrup" with X = 51 Rank. According to the findings of the statistical analysis, the various agro-industrial byproducts derived from Melicoccus bijugatus were positively received.

Keywords: Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq, Optimal harvesting time, Morpho-Physiological characterization, Determination of titratable acidity and Maturity Index, Bromatological analyses, Sensory analyses, Agro-industrial byproducts.


The fruit of “mamoncillo” or “quenepa” Melicoccus bijugatus, which is typically consumed fresh or for medicinal purposes, is not yet exploited in the agro-industrial sector. In El Salvador, the fruit is commonly called "mamoncillo," but in the Americas continent it is often referred to as "Honeyberry," "Guinep," “Guenepa” or "Spanish lime." It belongs to the class Magnoliopsida, order Sapindales, family Sapindaceae, and species bijugatus. It is available in local markets throughout Asia, North America, Central America, and South America (Laura M, 2012; Laura M et al., 2008; Laura M et al., 2009; Martínez-Castillo et al., 2019). Consequently, this presents an opportunity to expand processing options and gain a greater understanding of the optimal harvest point or ripe stage (JCC Lopez et al., 2021). In actuality, there is considerable scope for inquiry regarding plant varieties that have yet to undergo industrialization. This study describes the by-products that can be obtained during the agro-industrial processing of Melicoccus bijugatus fruit. In addition to microbiological, organoleptic, and sensory analyses, the research provides information regarding the fruit's general characteristics (Acevedo-Rodríguez, 2003; Pérez C et al., 2008).

For the purpose of implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), it is required to guarantee that the fruit satisfies the requirements of harvesting. As a result, good harvest practices (GHP) are an absolute necessity (Fontana et al., 2012; Nunes et al., 2015). This study involves documenting the potential industrial procedures for processing the fruit of Melicoccus bijugatus. The research includes conducting microbiological and sensory examinations and providing information on the overall characteristics of the fruit (Victor M Moo-Huchin et al., 2014; Pérez C et al., 2009). The procedures that follow will be used to determine the optimal harvest point: maturity index and morphological characterization. Once harvested, the product will undergo microbiological analyses to ensure safety. Its acceptability will be determined through a hedonic test, which will be evaluated using parametric and non-parametric tests such as ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis by ranks, multiple comparisons, and Friedman test. Furthermore, significant data was gathered from government agencies such as the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and literatures on the agro-industry of Melicoccus bijugatus fruit (Cruz and Deras, 2000; Nations, 1995).

The data and information regarding the agro-industrial process of Melicoccus bijugatus in El Salvador are restricted to a small number of authors, these authors have recorded botanical data and taxonomy, which has been used to conduct the research. To address the aforementioned issues, it is imperative to design effective processing protocols right from the starting point of the process. Furthermore, each product met stringent quality and safety criteria, necessitating the consideration of physicochemical and microbiological variables to ensure the consumption and safety of these products.

This study, on the other hand, aims to demonstrate alternatives for the agro-industrial processing of the quenepa fruit and validate its acceptance through untrained panelists. Additionally, the study intends to demonstrate the significant differences that exist within the process of ripening the Melicoccus bijugatus fruit and, as a result, determine the optimal harvest point by taking into consideration the maturity index, the percentage of acidity, the morphology of the fruit, and colorimetric, among other data.

Results and Discussion

Morpho-Physiological characterization of ripe fruit of Melicoccus bijugatus

In order to evaluate morphological and physiological parameters, the samples of Melicoccus bijugatus fruit were analyzed. These parameters included pH, fruit characteristics, measurement of maturity index, and brix degrees. During the fruit's optimal maturity stage, the pH level reached a maximum of 4, and the brix level reached its highest point at 24. Several characteristics, including seed weight, shape, length, width, color, separate weights of the outer layer, pulp, and juice, as well as the thickness of the outer layer and the husk, were used to classify the fruits. These characteristics were taken into consideration when they were classified. The features of both ripe and immature fruit of Melicoccus bijugatus were evaluated. A precision balance was used to measure weight, while a vernier caliper was used for measuring various lengths.

The characterization process entailed the analysis of 374 immature fruit samples out of a total of 400 fruits contained in a box. A total of 34 fruits were chosen for each characterization, resulting in a grand total of 4400 extracted samples. Comparable assessments were done regarding the attributes of the fully developed fruit. It is crucial to highlight that after gathering data from a container containing 400 fruits, those fruits were disposed of and replaced with another set of 400 fruits for the purpose of characterizing immature fruits. Precise measurements were taken for the shelled weight, shell weight, juice weight, pulp weight, seed weight, fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), husk thickness (mm), exocarp thickness (mm), seed color, and seed shape of the fruit in both ripe and unripe conditions. The evaluation primarily focused on the weight, shape, length, width, color, and individual weights of the husk, exocarp, pulp, juice, and husk thickness of both ripe and unripe fruit. The weight was determined using an analytical balance, while the length measurements were obtained using a vernier caliper. Table 1 displays the average attributes of both mature and immature fruits. (Table 1)

Assessment and findings of the optimal timing for harvesting of Melicoccus bijugatus fruit

The results of the analyses comparing the ripe and unripe stages of Melicoccus bijugatus fruit are presented in Table 1. The data shows that the juice of the ripe fruit had a higher weight compared to the optimal state. However, the liquid content varied with an average of 5.6275 g, while the average weight of the other pulp was 1.6817 g. The average weight of the seed was 4.6036 g, whereas the average weight of the shell was 4.3608 g. This demonstrates that the mature fruit's fluid had the maximum weight.

In addition, the average weight of unripe fruits' juice was 1.8228 g, the pulp weighed 0.2811 g, the seed weighed 2.4140 g, and the average weight of the unripe fruit's shell was 2.3309 g. Thus, all of these findings validate the disparities between the immature fruit, which has a lesser weight in comparison to the ripe fruit. Conversely, the unripe fruit has an oval shape, whilst the ripe fruit has a semi-oval shape, often appearing round or with circular symmetry. A notable feature is the color transformation of the fruit: when ripe, it turns a salmon hue, whereas in its unripe state, it is white. Furthermore, with the morphological characterisation, a total of 126 samples were collected. These samples encompassed the percentage of titratable acidity (TA) and the °Brix Maturity Index (MA). (Table 2)

Furthermore, 27 samples of %TA, °MI, and °Brix were taken during the first trimester, which began at the beginning of March. Nine samples were taken for each analysis. Between May and July of the second trimester, 27 more samples of %TA, °MI, and °Brix were examined at. The last 27 tests for the third trimester were taken at the end of September. The °Brix, PA, and MI were measured once more. Over the course of 7 months, all of this helped us figure out the best time to harvest the Melicoccus bijugatus fruit and, by extension, the MI. The % of TA and the number of soluble solids changed depending on how ripe the fruit was, showing that when the fruit is not ripe, the % of titratable acidity is higher than the °Brix, which is lower. Table 2 shows that the highest level of TA was 1.006653309, and the highest level of soluble solids in the raw state was ° Brix = 14.5. The results are very different now; the °Brix goes up to 24 and the % TA goes down to 0.297925, which is the lowest number that was found and shown in Figure 1. (Figure 1)

Furthermore, in order to validate the distinct variations observed in the collected data from the characterization of the mamoncillo fruit, the ANOVA method was employed. ANOVA is a statistical technique used to analyze data by comparing two samples at a time through a multiple range table. This analysis helps determine significant differences between treatments or variables. Thus, the data is collected through tabulation and analyzed using statistical tests such as the F test for comparing variances of two samples, the t-test for comparing means of two samples with unequal variances, and the t-test for comparing means of two samples with equal variances. The final t-test is conducted only if the f-test reveals no significant differences and the t-test for equal variances indicates significant differences in means for the treatments. (Table 3)

Assessment and findings of Maturity Index (MI)

The maturity index (MI) of the mamoncillo fruit was measured over a 7-month period to determine the optimal harvest time. The MI revealed that the acidity percentage and the number of soluble solids varied depending on the fruit's maturity state. In the unripe state, the acidity percentage was higher and the Brix percentage was lower. However, as the fruit matured, the Brix percentage increased to 24 while the average titratable acidity percentage decreased to 0.42204565. The data collected during the mid-March analyses and subsequent data collection in late June indicated a decrease in % titratable acidity and an increase in the quantity of soluble solids. The Brix level attained was 21 and the average titratable acidity percentage was 0.31077152. Additionally, the maturity index averaged at 68.9962846. However, it continued to increase, with the analysis indicating that it exceeded maturity by more than 50%. According to this study, it is recommended to harvest the fruit after it has achieved 69% of maturity, as this is considered the optimal percentage of maturity. (Figure 2) (Figure 3)

The highest Brix value recorded was 24, indicating the maximum amount of soluble solids present in the ripe fruit. Beyond this point, the fruit starts to deteriorate and decompose. Additionally, the average acidity level was found to be 0.42204565, suggesting a significant decrease in titratable acidity. The average maturity index was calculated to be 81.0043873, considering the first three samples of MI (79.9792571, 81.3347611, and 81.6991439). However, for the remaining samples, which were obtained through simple random sampling, only a small portion of ripe fruits were included, resulting in an average maturity index of 53.8037967. The last 27 samples were collected at the end of August and the first week of September. (Figure 4)

The Graphical Abstract illustrates the ideal time to harvest based on the Titratable Acidity, ºBrix, and Maturity Index. The Graphical Abstract depicts the mature stage of Melicoccus bijugatus, when the fruit reaches 69% of MI. Additionally, the acidity decreases to 0.42% and the ºBrix levels increase to 24. (Figure 5)

Results of microbiological analysis

The analyses were performed as a quality control measure on three samples of the same lot, which consisted of ten cans for each processed product. A total of six cans were selected at random for the collection of the samples. The fungus environmental pollutants and pathogenic fungi were found to be "Negative" in both examinations. Additionally, the organic characteristics of the samples were found to be aroma, texture, and taste. The taste of both samples was sweet, and the color of the jelly from M. bijugatus was orange, while the color of the syrup from M. bijugatus was peach. Melicoccus b gelatin and syrup samples were examined, and the results revealed that neither bacterial nor fungal growth was present: (Table 4)

As a result of the production process being in accordance with the hygienic and sanitary rules, an outstanding quality control result was achieved.

Experimental design

The experimental design constituted countable random replicate samples to assess the acceptability of a product derived from the fruit of Melicoccus bijugatus. These samples underwent sensory evaluation and were subsequently compared to "Treatments" or products (from Melicoccus bijugatus) denoted by the letter "T" and a comparable "Pattern" (similar product) represented by the letter "P". Therefore, P-1 = Honeybee, T-2 = Melicoccus b jelly, P-2 = Lychee in syrup, T-2 = Melicoccus b in syrup. Through the hedonic test the acceptance of each treatment was determined, as well as for each attribute, the scale was the following: 1 = I dislike it very much, 2 = I dislike it very much, 3 = I dislike it moderately, 4 = I dislike it a little, 5 = I neither like nor dislike it, 6 = I like it a little, 7 = I like it moderately, 8 = I like it a lot and 9 = I like it. The attributes to evaluate were: taste, color and aroma. The number of evaluating judges was: 20 (Table 5)

Statistical analysis

Test procedure; (i) Exposure of the hypothesis:

Ho: The four treatment have the same effects in terms of taste (no significant differences between the elaborated products versus patrons).

H1): There are at least one treatment with different effects in terms of taste. (there is a significant difference between the elaborated products versus patrons)

Therefore, after to assign the ranks R (Xij) the rank which is assigned to the observation “Xij” inside of the block “j” obtained “Ri” which is the sum of the ranks assigned from the sample “i” in the following formula:

A = [ (1)2 + (3.5) 2 + (3.5) 2+ (2) 2 + (2) 2 + (3) 2 + (1) 2 + (4) 2 + (2) 2 + (2) 2+ (4) 2 + (2) 2+ (1.5) 2 + (3.5)2 + (1.5) 2+ (3.5) 2 + (2.5) 2 + (2.5) 2 + (2.5) 2 + (2.5) 2 ] + [ (4) 2 + (1.5) 2 + (3) 2 + (1.5) 2 + (1.5) 2 + (3.5) 2 + (3.5) 2 + (1.5) 2 + (1) 2 + (3) 2 + (3) 2 + (3) 2 + (1.5) 2 + (3.5) 2 + (1.5) 2 + (3.5) 2 + (3.5)2 + (1.5) 2 + (1.5)2 + (3.5) 2 ] + [ (2) 2 + (3.5) 2 + (3.5)2 + (1)2 + (3.5)2+ (1)2 + (3.5)2 + (2)2 + (2.5)2 + (2.5)2 + (4)2 + (1)2 + (1.5)2 + (1.5)2 + (4)2 + (3)2 + (1.5)2 + (3)2 + (4)2 + (1.5)2 ] + [ (2)2 + (3.5)2 + (1)2 + (3.5)2 + (2.5)2 + (1)2 + (2.5)2 + (4)2 + (1)2 + (2.5)2 + (2.5)2 + (4)2 + (1)2 + (3)2 + (2)2 + (4)2 + (3.5)2 + (2)2 + (3.5)2 + (1)2 ]

A = [1 + 12.25 + 12.25 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 16 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 4 + 2.25 + 12.25 + 2.25 + 12.25 + 6.25 + 6.25 + 6.25 + 6.25] + [16 + 2.25 + 9 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 12.25 + 12.25 + 2.25 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 2.25 + 12.25 + 2.25 + 12.25 + 12.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 12.25] + [ 4 + 12.25 + 12.25 + 1 + 12.25 + 1 + 12.25 + 4 + 6.25 + 6.25 + 16 + 1 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 16 + 9 + 2.25 + 9 + 16 + 2.25] + [4 + 12.25 + 1 + 12.25 + 6.25 + 1 + 6.25 + 16 + 1 + 6.25 + 6.25 + 16 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 16 + 12.25 + 4 + 12.25 + 1]

A= [141.5 + 144.5 + 147.5 + 148]

A = 581.5

Statistic proof

Critical Statistic Fr critical or X 2critical.The Critical value of the statistic for a significance level of 5 %, where: α = (5%); α = 0.05 & υ = (k-1) (4-1); υ = 3

X 2critical = (0.05, 3) X 2critical = 7.81

Searching for the X 2critical (0.05, 3) in the table of chi-square of 5% significance the following data was obtained: (Figure 6)

Conclusion: Fr is smaller than X2 critical (3.96 < 7.81) the Null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. In other words, the four treatments have the same effects in terms of taste; there is not significant different.

Multiple comparisons. Consequently, if the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected in Friedman test, we present a procedure to compare the treatments by pairs, the treatments i and j differ significantly if the following is satisfied inequality:


The freedom degrees for “t" paired test is: υ = (b – 1) (k – 1); υ = (20 – 1) (4 – 1); υ = 57

Therefore: ; ; t = (0.025, 57)

Consequently, searching for the data in Fisher's exact test or Student's t-test, the result is the following:

Therefore, as a result t = 2.0423 (Figure 7)

R value = 7.308970696

R value = 7.31

As a result, several comparisons of treatments were performed using the Friedman test. (Table 6)

Therefore, R value 7.31 > t 2.0423; The honey bee is the product with the highest acceptance and qualifications. However, there is no significance in some attributes as aroma, color, and flavor. Treatment 3 was taken as the best treatment for taste “Flavor”, followed by 4"Melicoccus b. in syrup".

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted in the Municipality of Santiago Texacuangos, located in San Salvador, El Salvador. The samples were transferred and analyzed at "The Quality Lab," situated in the Faculty of "Agricultura e Investigacion Agricola" at Jose Matias Delgado University.

The term "ripe" pertains to the stage of a fruit's life cycle where it has completed its natural growth and development and is suitable for consumption. According to the U.S. Grade standards, this stage is characterized as the one that ensures the proper culmination of the ripening process (Biale, 1964; Pérez et al., 2008). Furthermore, the Melicoccus bijugatus is distinguished by its somewhat circular form, solitary seed, and categorization as a dicotyledonous organism. In addition, the fruit is obtained through manual harvesting, using either a woven sack or hessian sacks. Subsequently, these sacks are transferred into agro-industrial plastic containers and positioned on pallets.

Maturity Index (MI)

Important aspects were measured such as the pH of the harvested products, the amount of soluble solids content (SSC), ºbrix, and titratable acidity (TA) (Ahmed et al., 2014).

Soluble solids content (S.S.C)

The soluble solids content is determined by the refractometry method, according to methods used by A.O.A.C. which it is expressed in Brix concentration (Helrich, 1990; Tobaruela et al., 2018; Ventura et al., 1998). The interpretation and study must be corrected using the percentage of citric acid determined, through the following equation:

S.S.C.COR = O.194*A + S.S.C.

Where A = % citric acid. & S.S.C. = Brix Level or Concentration.

Titratable acidity (T.A.)

The titratable acidity is determined by the base acid titration method (according to A.O.A.C. methods), with a NaOH standard solution (previously standardized) of approximately 0.1N concentration and using phenolphthalein as an indicator. It is expressed as a percentage of citric acid and is calculated by the following equation:

Alternative formula:


V1 = volume of NaOH consumed (ml / L)

V2 = volume of the sample (5.0 ml)

Vb = volume of the target (L)

N = normality of NaOH (0.1 meq / ml)

K = equivalent weight of citric acid (0.064 g / meq).

Agro-industrial and food processing of Melicoccus bijugatus

Two agro-industrial products (by-products) a light syrup and jelly with pulp from Melicoccus bijugatus were elaborated, considering the agro-industrial procedures, processing manuals, GAP and GMP (Cheftel et at., 1992; Permuy and Prego, 1975; Figuerola et at., 1997). In addition to this, the proper harvest time to collect the fruits were an intervening period of the end of May and first week of June, taking into consideration the physiological morphological characteristics (Moo-Huchin et al., 2020; Pérez C. et al., 2009; Goldson-Barnaby and Bailey, 2020).

Process and preparation of jelly based in pulp from Melicoccus bijugatus

The gathered fruits were washed and sorted. A total of 2060 g of fruits were picked and disinfected using 1.2 g of chlorine dissolved in 6000 ml of water with a concentration of 200 ppm. The fruits were then soaked for 10 minutes before being thoroughly rinsed with water.

Pulped refers to the process of extracting the mucilaginous component from a pot using water and a 2% concentration of citric acid to prevent oxidation. The syrup was made using the pulp at a concentration of 76 ºbrix, which was then deposited for the boiling procedure.

The jelly was prepared by heating the pulped product to a temperature between 90 ºC and 100 ºC. Three applications of saccharose were added to achieve a concentration of 73º Brix. Only a 2% concentration of citric acid and pectin were used. The saccharose concentration was continuously measured using a refractometer. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and left undisturbed for the pulp particles to settle (Edwards, 2001).

To ensure sterility, the cans and containers were subjected to a temperature of 100 ºC for 5 minutes, which effectively sterilized them. Subsequently, the sterilized cans and containers were packaged and sealed. After the cans were disinfected and achieved the necessary Brix degrees, they were promptly packaged following the bottling process. The specimens were immersed in a vessel containing water heated to a temperature of 100 ºC in order to ensure their preservation and simultaneously create a vacuum environment.

Processing of Melicoccus bijugatus in syrup

The reception and weighing process involved first selecting the ripe fruit and measuring its weight for the formulation. Afterwards, the peel was removed, resulting in a total of 300 g of seeds and pulp. Additionally, 500 ml of water and 200 g of saccharose were used.

We prepared a solution of Melicoccus b. in syrup and then heated it for 10 minutes to sterilize the product. The syrup was developed with the intention of being combined with the product in the glass container simultaneously, while keeping a pH of 3 in order to balance the saccharose content. To achieve a concentration of 26º Brix, citric acid and two doses of saccharose were added. The concentration of citric acid was 2%, and the refractometer was used to quantify the value. The concentration of the final product was 26 ºBrix, which was necessary to achieve a liquid consistency.

To ensure sterility, the cans and containers were subjected to a temperature of 100 ºC for 5 minutes, which effectively sterilized them. Subsequently, the sterilized cans and containers were packaged and sealed. After the cans were sterilized and had attained the necessary concentration of Brix degrees, they were promptly packaged following the bottling process. The specimens were immersed in a pot containing water heated to a temperature of 100 ºC in order to ensure their safety and simultaneously create a vacuum. Containers filled with chilled water were employed to decrease the interior temperature and induce pasteurization of the product. The syrup was prepared by incorporating the fruit juice and used citric acid as a preservative (Desrosier, 1983, 2019).

Microbiological analyses were conducted to ensure the food safety of processed items derived from Melicoccus bijugatus pulp, which is a by-product. Adhering to the appropriate protocols. The quantification of these microorganisms, up to a specified numerical threshold, suggests the presence of circumstances that could facilitate the growth of harmful or disease-causing microbes. This serves as an indication of both the microbiological safety and the effectiveness of sanitary measures in place. (Downs et al., 1933; Tobaruela et al., 2018). The enumeration of these microorganisms is conducted by employing a methodology that involves plating samples on agar plates. The Most Likely Number technique is utilized; wherein bacterial colonies are selected at various dilutions to estimate the number of bacteria present. This method is also employed for bacterial identification (Roberts and Greenwood, 2008).

Organoleptic and sensory analysis

The sensory and organoleptic analyses were performed and evaluated by the non-trained consumer panel through a hedonic test considering qualitative and quantitative aspects (Delle et al., 2011). It consisted of testing and evaluating the perceived quality through appearance, texture, taste, aroma, the color of the d products to determine its acceptance by the consumer panel.

Statistical analyses

The significant differences between ripe and unripe fruits of Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq., were evaluated by applying ANOVA and the organoleptic and sensory analyses were evaluated by parametric and non-parametric test such as: Kruskal–Wallis by ranks, Multiple comparisons & Friedman test, with α = 0.05 (significance level).


The model and statistical analyses for the data which the component is "k" this, in turn, belongs to the "k treatments", for each size in "b" that is equal to the number of blocks; where "Rank 1" is assigned to the smallest observation, followed by the "Rank 2" which is next major to minor observation and then until reach to the highest, which for this case is the "Rank 4". However, if a tie result occurs, the corresponding average ranks will be used.

Therefore, "R (Xij)" is the rank assigned to the observation "Xij" within block "j" and "Ri" is the sum of the assigned ranks of sample I:


  1. The results within a block do not influence the results within the others because the "b" blocks are mutually independent.

  2. The observations are arranged within each block.

Proof procedure;


H0): There is no significant difference between treatments (products elaborated) versus patrons (similar product in the local market).

H1): There is a significant difference between treatments because at least one of the treatments has a different effect. (products elaborated versus patrons).

Statistic Test; first, the values of parameters “A” and “B” are calculated (Friedman, 1937).

The statistic test:

Multiple comparisons; if the null hypothesis is rejected, the Friedman test presents a procedure to compare the treatments by pairs. It means that the treatments "i" and "j" differ significantly if they satisfy the following inequality.

Friedman application test for each characteristic. Calculations: being a: the level of significance and n = (b-1) (k-1) the degrees of freedom of the comparison test. Next, the following statistical operations applied to the results obtained of the organoleptic tests of this investigation, applying the method of Friedman mentioned above. Note that each product (P-1 = Honey bee, T-1 = Melicoccus b. Jelly, P-2 = Lychee in syrup, T-2 = Melicoccus bijugatus in syrup) were the analyzed treatments.


It is recommended that whenever the fruit of Melicoccus bijugatus achieves sixty percent of its Maturity Index, the harvesting process should start. If the Brix value of the fruit is larger than twenty-nine to twenty-four and the pH is between three and four, it is essential to take into consideration the morphological qualities of the fruit. These characteristics include the color of the pulp and the sweetness of the fruit. The amount of acidity decreases when the fruit reaches its optimal level of maturation, which is between sixty percent and eighty percent. Additionally, the fruit undergoes a drop-in acidity that ranges from one percent to two point nine percent as it reaches this stage. In addition to this, the amount of total solids being present rises. The processed products, which were by-products of Melicoccus bijugatus, were accepted by the panellists, and then these were placed through sensory evaluations using the Friedman technique in order to determine the degree of variability that exists between the treatments. Following the completion of the evaluation, it was concluded that the P-2 treatment, which received a score of 55.5, was the most successful product. On the other hand, the product that achieved the highest ranking was the jelly that was produced using Melicoccus bijugatus (x = 52), which was then followed by the Melicoccus bijugatus syrup.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Conflict of Interest

The authors report no conflicts of interest; declare that they have no known competing for financial interest or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Author Contributions

JCC Lopez contributed to the overall design, literature review, and writing about the current manuscript and was instructed and revised by K Bhaktikul and S Thepanondh. Both authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.


This part of the study it was self-funded. However, the sensory analysis and physico-chemical characterization of the fruit was carried out in the Lab of the Faculty of "Agricultura e Investigacion Agricola" Jose Matias Delgado University.


The authors would like to thank the Faculty of “Agricultura e Investigacion Agricola”, Jose Matias Delgado University and Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University for the information and data sets used in this study.


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Figure 1. Chart element 3D Column: Melicoccus Bijugatus (Guinep) sample results for % Titratable Acidity, °Brix, and Maturity Index.

Figure 2. Acidity percentage graph:

Figure 3. Maturity index graph:

Figure 4. Level of acidity and maturity index plotted graphically:

Figure 5. Graphical Abstract; optimum harvest point by the Titratable Acidity, ºBrix and Maturity Index. The Graphical Abstract shows the ripe stage of the Melicoccus bijugatus, when the fruit reach to 69% of MI, additional to this the % of acidity decrease to 0.42 and the levels of ºBrix increase to 24.

Figure 6. Results Gallus curve X 2critical (0.05, 3) by the chi-square of 5% significance.

Figure 7. Results Gallus curve Fisher's exact test or Student's t-test

Table 1. The overall average value of ripe and immature fruits of Melicoccus bijugatus (Guinep).









Shelled weight 13.3708 (g) Shelled weight 7.5121 (g)
Shell weight 4.3608 (g) Shell weight 2.3309 (g)
Juice weight 5.6275 (g) Juice weight 7.8228 (g)
Pulp weight 1.6817 (g) Pulp weight 0.2811 (g)
Seed weight 4.6036 (g) Seed weight 2.4140 (g)
Fruit length 3.8253 (cm) Fruit length 2.8582 (cm)
Fruit diameter 2.5388 (cm) Fruit diameter 2.0438 (cm)
Thickness 3.8824 (mm) Thickness 4.8235 (mm)
Shell thickness 15.0882 (mm) Shell thickness 12.6765 (mm)
Pulp color Salmon Pulp color White
Seed shape Semi oval Seed shape Oval

Table 2. Melicoccus bijugatus (Guinep) sample results for % titratable acidity, °brix, and maturity index.

First sample collection Second sample collection Third sample collection
% Titratable acidity °Brix



% titratable acidity °brix



% titratable acidity °Brix



1.006653309 14.5 14.5981646 0.31918476 21 65.9866154 0.30080745 24 79.9792571
0.990051107 14.5 14.8397086 0.32149521 21 65.5137915 0.29578229 24 81.3347611
0.957627188 14.5 15.3355918 0.3203181 21 65.7538286 0.29445994 24 81.6991439
0.995695989 14.5 14.7566779 0.297925 21 74.038089 0.53354675 16.5 31.119125
0.983180114 14.5 14.9420607 0.29279028 21 75.3331065 0.52879214 16.5 31.3971867
0.99218716 14.5 14.8081782 0.29331183 21 75.1994995 0.53380244 16.5 31.1043121
0.989717601 14.5 14.8446438 0.31366957 21 67.1434345 0.42730677 21.5 50.5091398
1.005674037 14.5 14.6121906 0.31940803 21 65.9406259 0.43848668 21.5 49.2262758
0.989976975 14.5 14.8408053 0.3188409 21 66.0575707 0.44542642 21.5 48.4623536
0.990084831 14.5 14.8420024 0.31077152 21 68.9962846 0.42204565 20.67 53.8701728
Average % Titratable acidity Average °Brix

Average Maturity


Average % Titratable acidity Average °Brix

Average Maturity


Average % Titratable acidity Average °Brix

Average Maturity


0.990085 14.5 14.842 0.310772 21 68.99628 0.422046 20.667 53.87017
1.006653309 14.5 15.3355918 0.32149521 21 75.3331065 0.53380244 24 81.6991439
0.957627188 14.5 14.5981646 0.29279028 21 65.5137915 0.29445994 16.5 31.1043121

Table 3. Statistical analysis using independent samples test.

Levene's test for equality of variances t test for equality of means
F Sig. t df



Mean difference Std. error difference 99% confidence interval of the difference
Lower Upper
(i) Equal variances assumed 2.772 0.101 61.05 66 0 5.85869 0.09597 5.60413 6.11325
Equal variances not assumed     61.05 63.465 0 5.85869 0.09597 5.60383 6.11355
(ii) Equal variances assumed 0.312 0.579 30.87 66 0 2.0299 0.06576 1.85549 2.20431
Equal variances not assumed     30.87 65.972 0 2.0299 0.06576 1.85548 2.20431
(iii) Equal variances assumed 10.547 0.002 58.36 66 0 3.80474 0.06519 3.63182 3.97766
Equal variances not assumed     58.36 56.397 0 3.80474 0.06519 3.63095 3.97854

Table 4. Results of the Microbiological analyses

Microbiologic analyses Jelly from Melicoccus b Syrup from Melicoccus b
MPN - 3 NMP/ml - 3 NMP/ml
Total Counting of Bacteria Negative Negative
Total coliforms Negative Negative
Fecal Coliforms Negative Negative
Escherichia coli Negative Negative
Salmonella typhosa Negative Negative
Staphylococcus aureus Negative Negative
Non-pathogenic bacteria Negative Negative

Table 5. Ranks of taste.

No P-1 T-1 P-2 T-2
1 1 3.5 3.5 2
2 2 3 1 4
3 2 2 4 2
4 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5
5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
6 4 1.5 3 1.5
7 1.5 3.5 3.5 1.5
8 1 3 3 3
9 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5
10 3.5 1.5 1.5 3.5
11 2 3.5 3.5 1
12 3.5 1 3.5 2
13 2.5 2.5 4 1
14 1.5 1.5 4 3
15 1.5 3 4 1.5
16 2 3.5 1 3.5
17 2.5 1 2.5 4
18 1 2.5 2.5 4
19 1 3 2 4
20 3.5 2 3.5 1
Ri 45.1 51 55.5 52

Ranks obtained through the hedonic test, to determine the degree of acceptability using quantitative units (Pattern and Treatment)

Table 6. Multiple comparison of the treatments by Friedman test

Treatments compared |Ri – Rj|


P(T<=t) two-tail

I-II (41.5-51) = 9.5 > 7.31 8.65x10-12*
I-III (41.5-55.5) = 14 > 7.31 1.70 x10-11*
I-IV (41.5-52) = 10.5 > 7.31 1.43 x10-10*
II-III (51-55.5) = 4.5 < 7.31 2.26 x10-11*
II-IV (51-52) = 1.00 < 7.31 4.02 x10-10*
III-IV (55.5-52) = 3.5 < 7.31 2.02 x10-09*

The results denote the larges value of correlation coefficient and significance with *p<0.05 two tail. All significance levels are assessed at α < 0.05.