In Araguari-MG, the commercial product (T3) had higher averages of
77.39 nodules and 288.0 mg DMNR compared to other treatments.
Biofix Protec (T4) also showed significant
increases compared to T2 and T1. FMS did not significantly vary
among T4, T3, and T2, but T3 and T2 differed from T1. No significant
differences were observed in DMAP and FCI among T4, T3, and T2,
but they were superior to T1.
In Catalão-GO, Biofix Protec (T4) increased nodulation, with 48.17
nodules on the main root, statistically higher than other treatments.
Both T4 and T3 significantly differed from T1 and T2 in DMNR. FMS
and FCI were statistically equal for T3, T4, and T2, but differed from
T1. DMS showed statistical differences for T3 and T4 compared to T1,
but T4 did not differ from T3. Productivity results, relative gain,
thousand grain weight (TGW), nitrogen content, and total N content in
grains are shown in Table 2. In Palmeira-PR, Biofix Protec (T4) resulted
in 3546.13 kg.ha
, an 8.5% yield gain, statistically superior to T1 and
T3 but not different from T2. No significant differences were found in
TGW, with N content ranging from 5.43% to 5.71%.
In Itapira-SP, Biofix Protec (T4) and the commercial product (T3) were
equal, with gains of 11% and 12%, respectively, significantly differing
from T2 and T1. TGW varied from 130.53 to 136.47 grams, with Biofix
Protec (T4) resulting in 5.48% N in grains and 212.51 kg.ha
of total
N, significantly different from other treatments.
In Araguari-MG, the inoculated treatments (T3 and T4) achieved a 7%
production gain over T1, with no statistical differences between pre-
inoculated (T4) and inoculation at sowing (T3), or T2, which showed a
6% yield gain. No significant differences in TGW were observed. N
content in grains varied from 5.40% to 5.53%, with T3, T4, and T2
equal to each other but higher than T1.