AJCS 18(07):416-424 (2024) ISSN:1835-2707
Harnessing the potential of tiger nut (
Cyperus esculentus
L.) for food
and nutritional security, good health, and economic development of
Ghana or Africa. A review
Samuel Novor* and Esther Fobi Donkor
Department of Horticulture and Crop Production, School of Agriculture
and Technology, University of Energy and Natural Resources, P.O. Box
214, Sunyani, Bono Region, Ghana
Abstract: Tiger nuts (
Cyperus esculentus
L.) offer
significant benefits for food security, health, and
economic growth, particularly in Ghana and Africa. As a
nutritious food source, they are rich in dietary fiber,
vitamins, and minerals such as iron, potassium, and
magnesium. Additionally, they contain healthy
unsaturated fats and phytochemicals like flavonoids,
phenolic acids, and tannins, which combat
inflammation, cancer, and act as antioxidants. Beyond
their health benefits, tiger nuts have economic
potential. They can be processed into value-added
products like milk, flour, oil, and snacks. These
products find markets both locally and internationally,
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aiding the economies of tiger nut-producing countries.
They offer an alternative sweetener and dairy substitute,
beneficial for those with lactose intolerance. Tiger nuts
also contribute to agricultural sustainability. Their
ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen improves soil fertility
and crop productivity, benefiting small-scale farmers in
developing countries. This can help reduce poverty and
enhance food security. Despite these advantages,
further research and investment are necessary to fully
understand their health impacts and optimize
cultivation and processing methods. Such efforts can
promote tiger nut production and consumption,
particularly in poorer nations, leading to sustainable
development and improved livelihoods for farmers and
communities. This review aims to highlight how tiger
nuts (
Cyperus esculentus
L.) can enhance food security,
health, and economic growth in Ghana and Africa. Tiger
nuts are a valuable food source with untapped potential.
This review examines the nutrition, health benefits, and
economic impact of tiger nuts, especially for small-scale
farmers and food availability. This paper underscores
the importance of further research and investment in
promoting tiger nuts as a valuable resource for Ghana,
Africa, and the world.
Keywords: Crop productivity, Economic development; Food security;
Health benefits; Nutritional value; Sustainable agriculture.
Tiger nuts (
Cyperus esculentus
L.) are gaining increasing attention due
to their high nutritional value and health benefits (Adjei-Duodu, 2015).
They are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty acids,
making them a valuable source of nourishment (Donkor et al., 2021;
Gupta et al., 2020).
Tiger nuts offer several health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties. (Garca-Seco et al., 2020) These health benefits
include; improving cardiovascular health (Oyedemi et al., 2017),
supporting digestive health (Marín-García et al., 2020), and aiding in
diabetes management (Adeyemi et al., 2019). Consuming tiger nut
tubers can be beneficial in preventing and treating various conditions
such as colon cancer (Adejuyitan et al., 2009), coronary heart disease,
and arteriosclerosis (Chukwuma et al., 2010), obesity, and
gastrointestinal disorders (Anderson et al., 2009), flatulence, diarrhea,
dysentery, and excessive thirst (Adejuyitan, 2011).
Tiger nuts are commonly consumed as a snack or used to make a milk-
like drink in Ghana and other African countries (Fernández-López et al.,
2018). They also have various applications in the food industry, such as
gluten-free products, bread, and energy bars (Garca-Seco et al., 2020).
The growing demand for tiger nuts can result in expanded cultivation,
risking deforestation and habitat loss if not sustainably managed.
African nations must prioritize eco-friendly farming practices to protect
natural ecosystems while promoting tiger nut cultivation (Duruigbo et
al., 2013).
Water management is a critical issue in tiger nut farming. These plants
require consistent moisture but excessive irrigation in water-scarce
areas can strain resources. Therefore, sustainable water management is
essential in tiger nut farming (Mohdaly, 2019; Pramanik & Pramanik,
Tiger nut plants can thrive in low fertile soils and challenging
environmental conditions (Timon et al., 2019). Research should focus on
improving cultivation techniques, increasing yields, and enhancing
resistance to pests and diseases to support food security and economic
growth (Msaki-Mark et al., 2015).
To unlock the full potential of tiger nuts, research on cultivation and
genetic enhancement is vital. Genetic studies can lead to new varieties
with improved yield, disease resistance, and nutritional value (Donkor et
al., 2019). Collaboration among agricultural institutions, universities,
and the private sector can expedite the development of tailored
This article provides a comprehensive overview of tiger nut research,
focusing on its nutritional value, health benefits, and economic
potential. It highlights the importance of tiger nuts in sustainable
agriculture and food systems in Africa, with a particular emphasis on
Ghana. The aim is to show how tiger nuts can play a significant role in
improving food security, health, and economic development in these
regions. While some information may have broader relevance, the
primary focus is on how tiger nuts can benefit Africa.
The review primarily discusses the advantages and prospects of tiger
nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) within the context of Ghana and Africa.
Although some insights may apply globally, the main emphasis is on
how tiger nuts can contribute to enhancing food security, health, and
economic development specifically in these regions. The article
underscores the potential of tiger nuts as a valuable resource for Ghana
and Africa and calls for more research and investment to fully harness
their benefits in this specific geographical context.
Nutritional Value of Tiger Nuts
Tiger nuts are a nutritious food rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber,
making them great for digestive health. Their high fiber content is linked
to reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular
issues, and cancer (Abugoch-James et al., 2020). Tiger nuts also provide
a good amount of carbohydrates, which are a source of energy. These
carbs mainly consist of dietary fiber, starch, and some sugars (Donkor et
al., 2021, Akintoye et al., 2019).
Tiger nuts are also packed with beneficial unsaturated fatty acids like
oleic and linoleic acid. These fats can help lower the risk of heart disease
and have a positive impact on cholesterol levels (Akintoye et al., 2019).
Additionally, tiger nuts are a rich source of essential minerals such as
calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus (Donkor et al., 2021).
These minerals play vital roles in maintaining strong bones, and teeth,
and regulating blood pressure and muscle function (Abugoch-James et
al., 2020).
Moreover, tiger nuts contain a variety of phytochemicals like flavonoids,
phenolics, and tannins, known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer,
and antioxidant properties (Garca-Sánchez et al., 2020). Overall, tiger
nuts are a valuable food source, especially for those with limited access
to other nutritious options due to their rich nutrients and bioactive
Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts
Tiger nuts have garnered attention in research for their potential health
benefits. They are seen as a promising dietary option for people with
diabetes, as they may have a positive impact on blood sugar levels
(Lusas et al., 2017). Studies also suggest that tiger nuts could help lower
cholesterol levels, improve blood pressure, and contribute to overall
heart health (Garca-Sánchez et al., 2020).
Furthermore, various studies have supported the idea that tiger nuts
offer several health advantages, such as reducing the risk of
cardiovascular diseases, enhancing digestion, and bolstering the
immune system (Kapewangolo et al., 2021; Yahya et al., 2021). Despite
their potential, tiger nuts remain underutilized in many parts of Africa,
including Ghana. To fully unlock the potential of tiger nuts as a food
source and improve food and nutritional security in the region,
additional research and funding are needed to support their production,
processing, and commercialization (Nwachukwu et al., 2018).
The use of tiger nuts directly affects;
Cardiovascular health: Oyedemi et al. (2017) reported that tiger nuts can
be good for your heart. Researchers found that tiger nuts lowered blood
pressure and improved the fats in the blood of rats. Another study by
Akintunde et al. (2020) showed that tiger nuts reduced cholesterol and
triglyceride levels in rats, which could lower the risk of heart disease.
Based on these findings, tiger nuts could be beneficial for heart health in
Digestive health: Tiger nuts are packed with dietary fiber, which is
essential for a healthy digestive system. Selma-Royo et al. (2022)
suggested that including tiger nuts in your diet can lead to improved
bowel movements and increased fecal weight in healthy individuals,
while also reducing discomfort for those with functional constipation
(Marín-García et al., 2020).
Historically, tiger nuts have been used to address various digestive
issues like indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, and constipation (Bajaj et al.,
2019). Good digestive health is crucial for overall well-being, as it
ensures proper food absorption and waste elimination (Gibson et al.,
2010; Ayerza, 2009). Digestive problems such as irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and constipation can
result from poor digestive health (Okullo et al., 2019).
A diet rich in fiber has been linked to improved digestive health and a
reduced risk of digestive issues (Okullo et al., 2019; Tiwari et al., 2015).
Tiger nuts are abundant in dietary fiber (Rebezov et al., 2023), and this
fiber undergoes fermentation in the colon, producing beneficial short-
chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that promote gut health and are associated with
a lower risk of conditions like colon cancer, obesity, and diabetes (Tiwari
et al., 2015).
Tiger nuts also contain prebiotics, which are non-digestible
carbohydrates that support the growth and activity of beneficial gut
bacteria (Sánchez-Zapata et al., 2013). By fostering healthy gut bacteria
and inhibiting harmful bacteria, prebiotics contribute to digestive health
(Gibson et al., 2010). Tiger nuts are a great choice for promoting a
healthy gut microbiome due to their high fiber and prebiotic content
(Bajaj et al., 2019; Tiwari et al., 2015). Maintaining a balanced gut
microbiota is crucial for immune health, nutrient absorption, and overall
digestive well-being (Salazar et al., 2017).
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: Tiger nuts contain
natural compounds like flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which have
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (Roselló-Soto et al., 2019).
They can help reduce inflammation in the body's immune cells and
protect against oxidative stress (Megías et al., 2019; Hernández et al.,
These nuts have a long history as a traditional food in various cultures,
and research suggests they can be beneficial for overall health
(Ganatsios et al., 2021). They have been shown to have anti-
inflammatory effects, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Studies on rats even found that tiger nut extracts significantly reduced
inflammation (Ayerza and Coates, 2007). The bioactive compounds in
tiger nuts, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids, exhibit anti-
inflammatory properties by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory
molecules (Tiwari et al., 2015).
Additionally, tiger nuts are a good source of antioxidants, including
flavonoids and phenolic acids, which can combat oxidative stress and
lower the risk of chronic diseases (Tiwari et al., 2015). In vitro studies
have confirmed the antioxidant properties of tiger nut extract (Adepoju
et al., 2015).
Persistent inflammation is associated with the development of various
chronic conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
(Ma et al., 2021). Tiger nuts' anti-inflammatory qualities may help
mitigate the risk of these diseases (Ayerza and Coates, 2007). The
bioactive compounds in tiger nuts, such as flavonoids and phenolic
acids, can reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-
inflammatory cytokines (Tiwari et al., 2015).
Oxidative stress, resulting from an imbalance between the production of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body's ability to neutralize them,
can lead to cell and tissue damage, contributing to chronic disorders
(Hammad et al., 2018). Tiger nuts, rich in antioxidants like phenolic
acids and flavonoids, can help counteract free radicals and reduce
oxidative stress (Tiwari et al., 2015). In vitro studies have shown that
tiger nut extract can significantly reduce free radicals (Adepoju et al.,
Inflammatory bowel disease, like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, is
characterized by chronic gastrointestinal inflammation and an imbalance
in gut microbiota (Becker et al., 2015). Research suggests that a diet
high in fiber and prebiotics can help manage Inflammatory bowel
disease by reducing inflammation and restoring gut microbiota balance
(Bajaj et al., 2019). Tiger nuts, with their high fiber and prebiotic
content, can be a beneficial part of a diet for individuals with
Inflammatory bowel disease (Fiagbor, 2017).
Diabetes management: Several studies have reported that tiger nuts may
have potential benefits for managing diabetes. Research has shown that
tiger nut extracts can lower blood glucose levels in diabetic rats
(Adeyemi et al., 2019) and improve insulin sensitivity in rats (Okpara et
al., 2020). In another study involving diabetic rats, the consumption of
tiger nut tubers significantly reduced their blood glucose levels
(Olatunde et al., 2019).
The high fiber content in tiger nuts is believed to contribute to their
ability to help control blood sugar levels. A study on
Figure 1. Diagram of Cyperus esculentus L. (a) flowering part (b) mature
nut/tuber (c) sticker (d1) achene-dorsal observation (d2) achene-ventral
observation (e) flower and rachilla (Follak et al., 2016).
individuals with type 2 diabetes found that consuming tiger nut fiber led
to a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels (Selma-Royo et
al., 2022). Additionally, tiger nuts contain compounds like flavonoids
and phenolic acids, which have demonstrated anti-diabetic properties.
Research on diabetic rats showed that ingestion of tiger nut extract
significantly reduced blood glucose levels and improved insulin
sensitivity (Sánchez-Zapata et al., 2012). These findings suggest that
tiger nuts may be a promising dietary option for individuals looking to
manage diabetes.
Food security potentials of Tiger Nuts
In many developing countries, where a significant portion of the
population faces malnutrition and food insecurity, there has long been a
problem with ensuring a stable food supply (FAO, 2021). Recently, tiger
nuts have gained attention for their potential to help address these food
security issues. Tiger nuts are rich in essential nutrients, making them a
valuable source of nourishment for humans (Donkor et al., 2021;
Oluwole et al., 2020). They are packed with fiber, vitamins like E and C,
essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and are
also gluten-free, making them a suitable option for people with gluten
intolerance (Adelekan et al., 2021).
By providing local communities with an affordable food source, tiger
nuts have the potential to enhance food security in developing nations.
Research in Ghana by Donkor et al. (2019) identified twenty-four
different types of tiger nuts, highlighting their diversity as a food
resource. The cultivation of tiger nuts is relatively straightforward and
requires minimal resources, making it feasible for small-scale farmers.
This could lead to increased production and availability of tiger nuts in
local markets, providing a sustainable food source for vulnerable
populations (Donkor et al., 2019; Fernández-López et al., 2021).
Tiger nuts can play a significant role in improving food security,
especially in underdeveloped regions where malnutrition and food
scarcity are prevalent. They offer an affordable source of nutrition for
impoverished communities (Tindall and Oduro, 2017). Tiger nuts can
thrive in less fertile land that may not be suitable for other crops and
require minimal irrigation. Moreover, they have a long shelf life and can
be stored for several months, making them an excellent choice during
food shortages (Akhtar et al., 2018).
Tiger nuts have diverse applications in food production. They can be
processed into products like tiger nut flour, milk, and oil, which can be
used as ingredients in various food items such as cereals, baked goods,
and snacks (Nwachukwu et al., 2018). Tiger nut milk, in particular, has
gained popularity as a dairy-free alternative to cow's milk and is now
available in many supermarkets and health food stores (Donkor et al.,
Additionally, tiger nuts can yield valuable by-products like tiger nut flour
and oil that find applications in various industries, including food and
pharmaceuticals (Martín-Cabrejas et al., 2013). Furthermore, tiger nuts
can serve as a renewable feedstock for the production of biofuels,
reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting sustainable
development (Adeyemi et al., 2023).
Economic Potentials of Tiger Nuts
The tiger nut trade presents a viable economic opportunity for countries
like Ghana, which has successfully exported 63,462 tons of tiger nuts,
worth US$25,130.82, primarily to England, Japan, and America in 2020
(Donkor et al., 2019). This export activity taps into the global appetite
for nutritious foods and has substantial implications for local economies.
In Ghana, the tiger nut industry provides employment opportunities,
especially for the youth and women, who make up over 85% of the
workforce in the major tiger nut-producing regions (Donkor et al.,
2019). However, beyond employment statistics, there is a need to
illustrate the transformative impact of tiger nut cultivation on the
livelihoods of these individuals and their communities.
Case studies from the Ashanti region, a primary area for tiger nut
farming, reveal that households engaged in tiger nut cultivation have
experienced a noticeable increase in their income levels. Interviews with
local farmers show that the revenue from tiger nuts has allowed them to
invest in education for their children and improve their housing
conditions (Obeng-Koranteng et al., 2017). Furthermore, cooperatives
formed by tiger nut farmers have enabled better access to microfinance,
which has diversified local economies and reduced reliance on single-
crop farming (Agyeman et al., 2022).
Moreover, the potential for value addition in tiger nuts is significant. By
transforming raw tiger nuts into products like oil, milk, and flour,
farmers and entrepreneurs can increase their profit margins. For
instance, in some parts of the Sub- Sahara Africa the production of tiger
nut flour for gluten-free baked goods has not only provided a higher
income for farmers but also improved nutrition in local diets (Obinna-
Echem et al., 2020).
In recent years, tiger nuts have gained popularity due to their numerous
health benefits and the growing demand for natural and nutritious food
products. According to a report by Market Research Future (MRFR), the
global tiger nut market is expected to grow at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% from 2019 to 2024 (MRFR, 2019). This
increase is driven by increased consumer awareness of the health
benefits of tiger nuts, such as their high mineral and fiber content and
low glycemic index. Tiger nuts are also used as a dairy substitute, a
natural sweetener, and a source of gluten-free flour in the food and
beverage industry (MRFR, 2019).
Tiger nut oil, rich in oleic acid, has been linked to a reduced risk of heart
disease (Marzo et al., 2014). It also possesses anti-inflammatory
properties and is high in antioxidants (Sánchez-Zapata et al., 2012).
With changing dietary habits and increasing demand for healthier oils,
the global market for edible oils is expected to grow (Market Research
Future, 2018). Tiger nut oil, with its unique nutritional profile and
functional qualities, has the potential to be positioned as a premium,
high-value product. The market for tiger nuts and related products like
tiger nut milk and flour is driven by the need for plant-based and
gluten-free substitutes (Grand View Research, 2020).
Tiger nuts, traditionally eaten in Africa and around the Mediterranean,
are not familiar in other parts of the world (Gambo & Da’u, 2014).
Introducing tiger nut products to new markets can provide small-scale
farmers and producers in these areas with new sources of income. The
cultivation and processing of tiger nuts can also contribute to rural
development and poverty alleviation in emerging countries (Mofijur et
al., 2019).
Instead of selling tiger nuts solely in their raw form, there is potential for
higher economic returns through value-added products. Tiger nuts can
be used to create products such as tiger nut milk, tiger nut oil, tiger nut
flour, and tiger nut-based snacks (Adebowale et al., 2016). Tiger nut
flour can partially replace wheat flour in bakery items like bread and
cookies, enhancing their sensory and nutritional properties (Adebowale
et al., 2016). This presents an opportunity for increased financial gains
and improved nutritional benefits through the development of value-
added tiger nut products (Adebowale et al., 2016).
Tiger nuts are a cash crop with significant economic potential in
developing nations like Ghana and other regions of Africa. They can be
grown in various habitats, have a long shelf life, and can be stored
without losing their nutritional content (Martín-Cabrejas et al., 2013;
Adeleke et al., 2018).
Environmental Impact
Land use: Tiger nut farming offers a positive feature in its efficient land
use. Tiger nuts are often grown in less productive lands or alongside
other crops like maize or millet, a practice known as intercropping
(Bazine & Arslanoğlu, 2020). This approach minimizes the need for extra
land, helps preserve soil, and boosts overall land productivity, which is
good for the environment (Tan et al., 2023).
Tiger nuts can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, which improves soil
fertility. This reduces the reliance on chemical fertilizers and encourages
sustainable soil management practices (Wang et al., 2022).
Water consumption: Tiger nut farming is relatively water-efficient
compared to some other crops. These hardy tubers have adapted to
survive in semi-arid and drought-prone regions, making them suitable
for areas with limited water resources (Du et al., 2023). Additionally,
tiger nuts can be grown using rainfed agriculture, reducing the reliance
on irrigation systems. However, proper water management practices are
essential to maintain sustainability (Fabunmi et al., 2016). Farmers
should adopt efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation, when
necessary, to minimize water wastage and ensure responsible water use
(Fabunmi et al., 2016).
The use of agrochemicals: Tiger nuts are naturally resistant to many
pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments (Satch,
2016). Small-scale farmers often opt for traditional and organic farming
techniques, reducing their reliance on synthetic pesticides (Obeng-
Koranteng et al., 2017).
To control pests, farmers may use natural methods such as companion
planting, crop rotation, and biological control agents. These practices
help maintain a healthy ecological balance and reduce the environmental
risks associated with pesticide use (Baker et al., 2020).
Small-scale tiger nut farming typically involves fewer chemical inputs
like pesticides and synthetic fertilizers compared to larger monoculture
crops. This reduces the risk of soil and water pollution and minimizes
harm to non-target species (Duruigbo et al., 2013). Tiger nut cultivation
generally relies less on chemical pesticides compared to certain other
crops. Farmers often employ natural pest control methods, reducing the
environmental impact of pesticide use (Duruigbo et al., 2013).
Agronomic potential:
Tiger nuts are a versatile crop that can thrive in different climates and
soils, making them suitable for cultivation worldwide. Studies suggest
that they can yield between 2 to 5 tonnes per acre (Donkor et al., 2019,
Nweke et al., 2018). What's remarkable is that tiger nuts have a unique
ability to partner with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, a process called nitrogen
fixation (Chandini et al., 2016). This partnership leads to the activation
of nitrogenase enzymes, which are crucial for converting atmospheric
nitrogen into a form that plants can use for growth (Bamidele et al.,
The significance of this nitrogen-fixing capacity lies in its potential to
enhance soil fertility and crop productivity (Mus et al., 2016). Nitrogen is
a vital nutrient for plant development, and the ability of tiger nuts to
work with nitrogen-fixing bacteria can reduce the reliance on synthetic
nitrogen fertilizers, which can harm the environment and strain farmers'
budgets (Acharya et al., 2018).
By using nitrogen-fixing plants like tiger nuts, not only can we improve
soil fertility and reduce fertilizer costs, but we can also contribute to
lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are a
major source of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas that worsens
climate change (Shcherbak et al., 2014). Switching to nitrogen-fixing
plants instead of synthetic fertilizers can help mitigate nitrous oxide
emissions (Dawod et al., 2018).
Tiger nuts' ability to partner with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and fix
atmospheric nitrogen has significant implications for sustainable
agriculture. It can enhance soil fertility, boost crop yields, and reduce the
environmental impact of farming. However, more research is needed to
fully harness the potential of tiger nuts in different agricultural settings
(Fernandez et al., 2019).
Export potential:
Due to their high demand in Europe and America, tiger nuts have the
potential for exportation worldwide. According to the International Trade
Center (ITC), Spain was the top importer of tiger nuts in 2018, with
global trade increasing from 4,041 tonnes in 2014 (ITC, 2020). The
paper also highlights the growing market for fair-trade and organic tiger
nuts, which could lead to higher prices for suppliers. Farmers and
traders have a great opportunity to tap into this expanding market and
benefit from its potential.
Research and funding needs
Tiger nut cultivation in Africa has the potential to address food security,
generate income, and promote sustainable agriculture. To effectively
allocate funding and address pressing research areas, consider the
following specific recommendations:
Varietal improvement: Invest in breeding programs to develop high-
yielding and disease-resistant tiger nut varieties suitable for different
agroecological zones in Africa. This will enhance productivity and reduce
the vulnerability of tiger nut crops to pests and diseases (Anajekwu et
al., 2023).
Climate change resilience: Study the impact of climate change on tiger
nut cultivation and develop adaptation strategies. Research on drought-
resistant varieties and climate-smart agricultural practices can help
mitigate the effects of changing weather patterns (Akabassi et al., 2021).
Sustainable farming practices: Promote research on sustainable
cultivation practices, such as intercropping tiger nuts with other crops to
enhance soil fertility and reduce environmental impact. Investigate the
use of organic farming methods and innovative irrigation techniques to
conserve water resources (Morales-Payan, 1999).
Drawbacks associated with the consumption and cultivation of tiger nut
However, the cultivation and consumption of tiger nuts tuber can raise
some concerns including;
A high content of calories: Tiger nuts contain high calories due to their
high carbohydrate content, making them less suitable for those
managing weight or those on calorie-restricted diets (Edo et al., 2023).
Oxalates: Tiger nuts contain oxalates, which may contribute to kidney
stone formation in those prone to this condition. People with a history of
kidney stones should limit their oxalate intake, including tiger nuts
(Nwosu et al., 2022).
Anti-nutrients: Tiger nuts contain anti-nutrients like tannins and
phytates that can hinder the absorption of essential minerals like iron,
zinc, and calcium. Overconsumption of tiger nuts may lead to long-term
nutrient deficiencies (Djikeng et al., 2022).
Allergenic potential: Tiger nuts belong to the same allergenic foods’
family as nuts and grasses. Some individuals may experience allergic
reactions to tiger nuts, ranging from mild digestive discomfort to severe
allergic responses. People with known allergies should exercise caution
when including tiger nuts in their diet (Mohdaly, 2019).
Potential for invasion: Tiger nuts are recognized for their remarkable
resilience and adaptability, attributes that could pose a risk when
introduced to new environments. Their capacity to thrive and adjust
rapidly enables them to outcompete indigenous plant species and
disrupt local ecosystems, ultimately leading to a reduction in biodiversity
(Bryson & Carter, 2008; Poland, 2021).
The invasive potential of tiger nuts is a concern due to their ability to
dominate in new habitats, potentially disturbing the natural equilibrium
of these ecosystems and resulting in a decrease in species diversity
(Bryson & Carter, 2008; Poland, 2021).
Competition with other crops: Tiger nuts, known for their versatility and
nutrition, have gained attention as a promising crop. However, their
cultivation can potentially compete with other crops for resources. To
ensure sustainable farming, it's important to manage this competition
wisely. Balancing crop diversity is essential for food security and
resilience, helping to mitigate risks associated with diseases and pests
(Tan et al., 2022).
Research suggests that tiger nuts could have significant economic and
health benefits in Ghana and Africa. These small tubers are rich in
dietary fiber, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and minerals, making
them a great choice for promoting heart health, reducing the risk of
chronic diseases, and maintaining good digestion. Furthermore, tiger
nuts can be a valuable source of income and contribute to the region's
economic growth since they are a versatile and durable cash crop. To
fully tap into the potential of tiger nuts and encourage their production
and consumption as a sustainable food source in less developed nations,
more research and funding are needed.
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