AJCS 18(07):425-433 (2024) ISSN:1835-2707
Maintenance of post-harvest antioxidant quality in ‘Niagara Rosada’
grape using salicylic acid
Francisco José Domingues Neto
, Adilson Pimentel Junior
, Lilian
Massaro Simonetti
, Lenon Romano Modesto
, Fernando Ferrari Putti
Cristine Vanz Borges
, Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima
, Marco Antonio
Department of Horticulture, School of Agronomy, São Paulo State
University, 18618 000, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Centro Universitário das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos, 19900
080, Ourinhos, São Paulo, Brazil
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Road Admar Gonzaga,
Florianópolis 88040-900, SC, Brazil
São Paulo State University, Tupã, Postal Code 17602-496, SP, Brazil
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Institute of
Biosciences, São Paulo State University, 18618 000, Botucatu, São Paulo,
Abstract: Salicylic acid is a plant growth regulator used
in grapes to maintain postharvest quality. ‘Niagara
Rosada’, a table grape, although much appreciated for
its flavor, has a short shelf life. We evaluated the
influence of postharvest application of different doses
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of salicylic acid on the quality of ‘Niagara Rosada’ after
harvest in an effort to control rates of berry drop and
decay, as well as to maintain the quality of grape
bunches during refrigerated storage. Freshly harvested
bunches of ‘Niagara Rosada’ (
Vitis labrusca
V. vinifera
were immersed in salicylic acid solutions at
concentrations of 0.0, 0.28, 0.55, 0.83, and 1.10 g L
and then refrigerated (5 ± 1 °C and 95 ± 5 % RH) for 20
days. Physical and chemical analyses of grapes were
performed at 5-day intervals. Salicylic acid maintained
the postharvest quality of ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes
throughout storage. The lowest concentration of
salicylic acid (0.28 g L
) effectively induced the
synthesis of phenolic compounds and improved the
antioxidant capacities of both grapes and stems. High
levels of salicylic acid (0.83 and 1.10 g L
) resulted in
an increase in anthocyanin content in fruit and enzyme
activities (peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) in
stems, enhancing conservation and reducing levels of
decay and berry drop.
Keywords: decay; berry drop; cold storage; phenolic compounds;
Throughout the world, vine management techniques have been
researched in order to increase productivity and improve the postharvest
quality of grapes, including those destined for the table. Table grape
quality is dependent on both cultivar type and management practices
employed from flowering to harvest. ‘Niagara Rosada’ vines are
medium-vigor plants and are known to be resistant to various pests and
diseases. ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes are pink-film fruits covered with a
waxy bloom, featuring mucilaginous pulp and a sweet foxed flavor that
is appreciated by consumers. Due to their high degree of acceptance in
the domestic market, these American table grapes have been cultivated
in areas where diseases have caused serious damage to vines (Maia and
Camargo, 2012).
In order to be acceptable to consumers, fruits must have high
postharvest quality. Table grapes with darkened stems from tissue
oxidation, softened texture, dehydrated berries, berry drop, or other
undesirable features will be declined, and their economic value will
depreciate. Several techniques have been used in pre- and postharvest
table grapes to reduce the incidence of berry decay, decrease softening
rates, prevent rotting during storage, and extend shelf-life. Among
these techniques, the use of plant growth regulators, such as salicylic
acid, is attractive since it can be safely and easily applied. Salicylic acid
(SA) or 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, is a plant growth regulator with a
phenolic structure that plays a crucial role in the regulation of fruit
development, growth, and ripening (Pérez-Llorca et al., 2019), as well as
in plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses (Hassoon and
Abdulsattar Abduljabbar, 2020). One of the most important functions of
salicylic acid in plants is to stimulate the production of compounds that
scavenge free radicals, called antioxidants (Hassoon and Abduljabbar,
2020). It is an important secondary metabolite produced by grapes and
plays an essential role in the determination of berry quality, affecting
color, flavor, astringency, and bitterness (Blanch et al., 2020). The
effects of SA rely on the synthesis of phenolic compounds, especially the
activity of the phenylalanine ammonia lyase enzyme (PAL). In addition,
recent research has indicated that SA has the potential to improve
physical properties such as size, weight, and fruit firmness.
Despite its great potential for use as a table grape, information
regarding the effect of exogenous application of plant regulators on
postharvest fruit quality in ‘Niagara Rosada’ is scarce. Several studies
have indicated that the exogenous application of SA improves important
postharvest characteristics, such as enhancing antioxidant capacity
(Gomes et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2015). SA may induce the inhibition of
catalase (CAT), a hydrogen peroxide scavenging enzyme, resulting in an
increase in levels of H2O2, which acts as a second messenger activating
defense-related genes (Chen et al., 1993). Exogenous SA in grape
L. cv. Jingxiu promoted an increase in superoxide dismutase
(SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities, although there was an increase in
hydrogen peroxide, and this effect was attributed to the high rate of
H2O2 production compared to its degradation by the enzyme (Wang and
Li, 2006).
Furthermore, SA is related to disease resistance and shelf life (Gomes et
al., 2021) in horticultural crops. Important fruit quality characteristics
(e.g., sweetness, firmness, and color), which depend on the cultivar
used, as well as pre- and postharvest factors (Lo’ay et al., 2019; Xu et
al., 2019), have not been previously described in ‘Niagara Rosada’. Thus,
the aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of exogenous
application of salicylic acid on the postharvest of 'Niagara Rosada'
grapes on physical-chemical properties, as well as to assess antioxidant
compounds (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) of bunches during cold
Results and Discussion
Physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics of berries
Throughout storage, there was an increase in TA and a decrease in pH in
the fresh berries (Fig. 1A and 1C). However, SA did not significantly
affect the levels of titratable acidity (TA) or pH (Fig. 1B and 1D), and the
differences observed were exclusively based on the duration of storage.
Other studies demonstrate that exogenous SA does not influence the
content of TA and pH, as described by Gomes et al. (2021) in 'Niagara
Rosada' grapes treated with different doses of SA and by Alrashdi et al.
(2017) in ‘El-Bayadi’ table grapes. On the other hand, in seedless grapes
('Superior Seedless'), Lo’ay (2017) found a decrease in TA in response to
SA. Thus, it is possible that the acid content may be dependent on the
genotype, also influenced by the culture method, among other biotic and
abiotic factors. This may explain the slight changes that were observed
in ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes throughout storage that occurred
independently of SA application.
Salicylic acid treatment effectively maintained soluble solids (SS) content
in ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes throughout storage (Fig. 1E), and a
significant interaction between SA level and duration of storage was
observed. The SA dose affected SS levels of grapes subjected to all
durations of storage, except grapes assessed five days postharvest. A
concentration of 0.28 g L
SA was found to be sufficient for maintaining
SS content. This result is significant because ‘Niagara Rosada’ is a table
grape, and the SS content is crucial for the flavor of this cultivar. It is
worth mentioning that grapes subjected to storage and SA treatments
had SS content greater than the minimum quantity required by Brazilian
legislation for table grapes (14° Brix) (Brasil, 2018).
Berry drop, decay, and weight loss were not significantly affected by SA
treatment (Fig. 2B, 2D, and 2F). The results clearly indicated that the
highest incidence of berry drop, decay, and weight loss occurred in
‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes after 20 days of storage. During this time,
stems had darkened due to oxidative processes, and low enzymatic
activity was observed, regardless of the SA treatment. After 20 days of
storage, the grapes did not show commercial quality (visual quality) and
should be discarded. In this study, we did not observe that any specific
concentration of SA might influence berry drop, weight loss, or decay, as
described by Gomes et al. (2021), who stated that 1 mmol L
SA in the
pre-harvest was efficient in maintaining the quality of ‘Niagara Rosada’
grapes. The results obtained in this study may be attributed to the
dosages used, and probably smaller doses of SA may be more efficient
in decreasing berry drop, weight loss, and decay.
Although SA did not significantly influence the physical characteristics of
grapes assessed, 0.28 g L
(2 mmol L
) SA promoted an enhancement
in total phenolic compounds (221.75 mg 100 g-1) (Fig. 3A) and
antioxidant capacity measured by FRAP (172.93 mmol Fe Kg -1) (Fig. 3C)
after five days of storage. Higher levels of SA induced anthocyanin
content (Fig. 3B). On the other hand, there was no influence on the levels
of SA used in the antioxidant activity measured by the DPPH method
(Fig. 3E). In accordance with our findings and previous studies (Gomes et
al., 2021) in ‘Niagara Rosada’, it has been indicated that SA treatment of
pre- and postharvest table grapes facilitates the maintenance of quality
by minimizing loss of firmness and inducing the expression of
antioxidant compounds, characteristics that have been associated with
ripening processes and quality attribute loss. In our study, the highest
levels of total phenolic compounds and anthocyanins were found in
‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes after treatment with 0.28 g L
SA (Fig. 3A and
3B), similar to that described by Alrashdi et al. (2017) in table grapes.
This effect may be attributed to phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity
(PAL), whose product is phenylpropanoids (Chen et al., 2006), because
the transcription of the PAL genes may be activated by SA (Kiselev et al.,
Immersion of ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes in high levels of SA (0.83 and 1.10
g L
) further enhanced anthocyanin content (15.4 mg 100 g
and 17.1
mg 100 g
, respectively) five days postharvest (Fig. 3B). Anthocyanin is
principally responsible for grape skin coloration, which is a characteristic
significantly correlated with grape quality. Increased levels of these
compounds positively affect grape quality. Phenolic compounds,
including anthocyanins, are secondary metabolites that influence grape
qualities such as color, flavor, bitterness, and astringency, as well as the
antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of fruits. Previous studies
demonstrate that the application of SA induced the accumulation of
phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins (Gomes et al.,
2021). In our study, SA exogenous increased the shelf life and the
Figure 1. Titratable acidity, pH and soluble solids of ‘Niagara Rosada’
grape must treated with different concentrations of salicylic acid in the
post-harvest and stored under refrigerate conditions. Capital letters
compare the days after treatment and lower case the concentrations of
SA. (Tukey test, p ≤ 0.05).
: no significant.
compounds, which can influence the final quality of the product.
Chlorophyll and antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT and POD) in stem
At harvest (day 0), stems were green and resistant to berry drop (Fig. 2A,
4, and 5A). Throughout storage, total chlorophyll content and catalase
(CAT) activity levels decreased significantly, regardless of the SA dose
applied. Chlorophyll levels are often considered an indicator of
senescence in green tissues, such as stems. The reductions in
chlorophyll content and CAT activity may be due to oxidation reactions,
which were accompanied by visible darkening and made plants less
resistant. Additionally, berry drop and decay increased with the duration
of storage (Fig. 2A and 2E). Effective control of
rachis browning is necessary to control postharvest decay in table
grapes. SA may inhibit oxidative damage and decrease catalase activity,
besides increasing the levels of peroxide, which act as second
messengers in the activation of defense-related genes, as described by
Wang and Li (2006) in grapevines sprayed with a 100 µmol L
of SA. In contrast, H2O2 may be metabolized by peroxidases, enzymes
that play important roles in plant detoxification, which use phenolic
compounds as substrates (Simões et al., 2020).
In stems, the highest peroxidase (POD) activity was observed after
grapes were stored for 10 days, while the highest superoxide dismutase
(SOD) activities occurred after 5 and 15 days of storage (Fig. 5B and 5D).
Increased antioxidant enzyme and non-enzymatic compounds (e.g.,
phenolic compounds) often make these plants more tolerant to different
Figure 2. Berries drops, weight loss and incidence of decay of ‘Niagara
Rosada’ grapes treated with different concentrations of salicylic acid in
the post-harvest and stored under refrigerated conditions. Capital
letters compare the days after treatment and lower case the
concentrations of SA. (Tukey’s test, p ≤ 0.05).
: no significant.
conditions, such as low humidity and elevated temperatures (Shah Jahan
et al., 2019). These are important biochemical and physiological
characteristics for grapes growing under adverse environmental
conditions (Schultz & Stoll, 2010).
Increased POD and SOD activities that occurred in response to SA
application may be related to the low percentages of berry drop and
decay, respectively. These effects may be due to the fact that fruits
treated with 0.28 g L
SA had elevated POD activity and reduced levels
of berry drop. Plants treated with 0.55 g L
SA showed an increase in
SOD activity and a reduced incidence of decay (Fig. 2E and 5E). These
results may be important because they demonstrate a possible
relationship between peroxidase/berry drop and SOD/decay. Antioxidant
enzymes (e.g., POD and SOD) are commonly studied in postharvest
plants because they are involved in plant resistance (Zhou et al., 2009).
Studies indicate that in grapes, SA may induce antioxidant enzyme
activities, such as POD and SOD, which may delay fruit deterioration and
promote an increase in antioxidant capacity (Xu et al., 2019). Application
of elicitors such as SA in citrus induced defense-related enzyme
activities (PAL; cinnamate-4-hydroxylase, C4H; hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA
ligase, 4CL; and polyphenoloxidase, PPO) and stimulated the
accumulation of phenolic acids and lignin in fruits inoculated with fungi
P. italicum
P. digitatum
) for a short period, which may be correlated
with decreases in infection incidence and lesion diameter (Zhou et al.,
Principal component analysis (PCA)
In order to establish a descriptive model for grouping SA levels
(treatments) as a function of storage time and variables analyzed, a
multivariate statistical analysis of the dataset using PCA was conducted
(Fig. 6). The PC1 axis accounted for 44.08% of the total variance
observed. The dispersion of variables according to PC1 and PC2 revealed
that the highest concentrations of SA were observed in table grapes
stored in the cold for 5 days, which were grouped into PC2+ and PC1-
groups. SA treatment resulted in increased levels of phenolic
compounds, total monomeric anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity.
This finding indicated that grapes treated with the
Figure 3. - Total phenolic compounds, total anthocyanins and
antioxidant activity (FRAP and DPPH) of ‘Niagara Rosada’ grape treated
with different concentrations of salicylic acid in the post-harvest and
stored under refrigerated conditions. Capital letters compare the days
after treatment and lower case the concentrations of SA. (Tukey’s test, p
≤ 0.05).
: no significant.
Figure 4. Total chlorophyll in ‘Niagara Rosada’ grape stem treated with
different concentrations of salicylic acid in the post-harvest and stored
under refrigerated conditions. Capital letters compare the days after
treatment and lower case the concentrations of SA. (Tukey’s test, p
highest concentrations of SA were of the greatest quality, due to the
higher content of bioactive compounds, mainly anthocyanins,
responsible for the color of the berries (Fig. 3B). The monomeric
anthocyanins present in red grapes are responsible for berry color, and
intra- or intermolecular interactions between anthocyanins and other
organic chemicals, especially phenolics, have the potential to further
alter berry color.
Materials and Methods
Experimental area, cultivation conditions and experimental design
Experiments were conducted using grapes produced during the
2017/2018 cycle in São Manuel, São Paulo, Brazil (22°44'S, 48°34'W, at
an altitude of 740 m). The climate of the farm, according to the Köppen
classification, is of the
type, classified as humid temperate
mesothermal with concentrated rains occurring from November to April.
The average annual rainfall in the area is 1,465 mm, with average
minimum and maximum temperatures of 14.5°C and 27.1°C,
‘Niagara Rosada’ grapevines (
Vitis labrusca
V. vinifera
) grafted onto
‘IAC 766’ rootstocks [
Vitis riparia
x (
V. cordifolia
V. rupestris
)] were
spaced at 2.0 x 0.8 m intervals, in their fourth productive cycle. The
vines were trained on a unilateral single cordon with three vertical catch
wires. During production pruning, one bud was identified for each
productive branch, followed by the application of 5% hydrogenated
cyanamide. After sprouting, one productive branch per bush was
maintained. A drip irrigation system was used to ensure optimal soil
moisture in the field. Bunches were harvested as soon as the soluble
solid (SS) content reached 14° Brix and achieved an intense and uniform
pink color.
Experimental design and treatments
A completely randomized experimental design was employed, consisting
of a randomized block with three replicates of five vines each (totaling
15 vines) randomly selected per rootstock (a total of 30 vines
throughout the vineyard, all of the same
cultivar, age, and vigor). Plants were subdivided into plots, with each
subjected to aqueous solutions containing different doses of salicylic
acid (SA) (0.0; 0.28; 0.55; 0.83; and 1.10 g L
). Six repetitions of two
bunches each from every subplot were evaluated at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20
days after harvest. Aqueous solutions of SA (Sigma Aldrich Co., USA)
were prepared by dissolving SA in 100 mL of ethanol before adding
water to reach a final volume of 25 L. SA treatments were applied
immediately after harvest by immersing bunches in SA solutions for 45
minutes. Bunches were then dried and stored in expanded polystyrene
trays under refrigerated conditions (5 ± 1 °C and 95 ± 5 % RH) until
evaluations were performed.
Weight loss, berries drops and decay
Weight loss was determined by daily weighing of the bunches on the
evaluation days, and the results were expressed as percentage of weight
loss. Berry drop was determined cumulatively on the days evaluated, by
lightly shaking the bunches twice, recording the number of berries that
dropped, and weighing them. Results were expressed as a percentage
using the following equation (Eq. 1):
Berry drop (%) = TWB × 100/IWB (Eq. 1)
Where IWB represents the initial weight of the bunch (day 0) and TWB is
the total weight of berries dropped on the day that the evaluation was
Decay was also determined cumulatively throughout each day evaluated.
Therefore, the berries that had decayed were removed from the bunches,
weighed, and the results were expressed as a percentage using the
following equation (Eq. 2):
Decay (%) = TWDB × 100 / IWB (Eq. 2)
Where IWB indicates the initial weight of the bunch (day 0), and TWDB
represents the total weight of decayed berries identified on the day the
evaluation was performed.
Physical-chemical properties of must
The physicochemical characteristics of the must were determined by
assessing 60 berries per experimental plot. The must was obtained by
pressing the berries, and the soluble solid (SS) content was determined
via direct refractometry
Figure 5. Catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase
(SOD) activities in ‘Niagara Rosada’ grape stem treated with different
concentrations of salicylic acid in the post-harvest and stored under
refrigerated conditions. Capital letters compare the days after treatment
and lower case the concentrations of SA. (Tukey’s test, p 0.05).
: no
using an Atago® digital refractometer. The results were expressed in
degrees Brix. pH was measured using a pH meter (Micronal B-274), and
titratable acidity (TA) was determined by titration (expressed as %
tartaric acid). These analyses were performed according to the
procedures outlined by the Adolfo Lutz Institute (Zenebon et al., 2008).
Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of grape berries
Total levels of monomeric anthocyanins were determined using the pH-
differential method (Giusti and Wrolstad, 2001),
and the total monomeric anthocyanin content was expressed as
cyanidin-3-glycoside equivalents per mg fresh weight. Total phenolic
compounds were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent
(Singleton and Rossi, 1965), and the results were expressed as mg gallic
acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g fresh weight (FW).
DPPH method is based on the scavenging of free radicals from DPPH
(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and was conducted according to Brand-
Williams et al. (1995), with the results expressed in µmol equivalent
TEAC per gram of fresh weight.
Figure 6. Two-dimensional projection (A) and scores (B) from physical-
chemical, biochemical and enzymatic characteristics for the interaction
between salicylic acid levels and evaluation days of the ‘Niagara Rosada’
table grape.
Note: 0.0 (dose 0 and 0 day); 0.5 (dose 0 and 5 day); 0.10 (dose 0 and
10 day); 0.15 (dose 0 and 15 day); 0.20 (dose 0 and 20 day); 0.28.0
(dose 0,28 g L
and 0 day); 0.28.5 (dose 0,28 g L
and 5 day); 0.28.10
(dose 0,28 g L
and 10 day); 0.28.15 (dose 0,28 g L
and 15 day);
0.28.20 (dose 0,28 g L
and 20 day). 0.55.0 (dose 0.55 g L
and 0 day);
0.55.5 (dose 0,55 g L
and 5 day); 0.55.10 (dose 0,28 g L
and 10 day);
0.55.15 (dose 0,55 g L
and 15 day); 0.55.20 (dose 0,55 g L
and 20
day). 0.83.0 (dose 0,83 g L
and 0 day); 0.83.5 (dose 0,83 g L
and 5
day); 0.83.10 (dose 0,83 g L
and 10 day); 0.83.15 (dose 0,83 g L
15 day); 0.83.20 (dose 0,83 g L
and 20 day). 1.10.0 (dose 1,10 g L
and 0 day); 1.10.5 (dose 1,10 g L
and 5 day); 1.10.10 (dose 1,10 g L
and 10 day); 1.10.15 (dose 1.10 g L
and 15 day); 1.10.20 (dose 1.10 g
and 20 day).
-4 -2 0 2 4 6
PC2 (20.07 %)
PC1 (44.08 %)
PC1 and PC2: 64.16 %
Active observations
The FRAP method is based on the iron ion reduction capacity, which
changes from Fe3+ to Fe2+, and was performed following the protocol
outlined by Benzie and Strain (1999). The results are expressed in mmol
Fe per kg of fresh weight.
Quantification of proteins, enzyme activities and pigment content within
Extracts used to quantify protein and antioxidant enzyme levels were
obtained from fresh materials. Stems were powdered in liquid nitrogen,
and 2 mL of 0.1 mol L
potassium phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 with 100
mg of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) was added.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity was determined according to
Giannopolitis and Ries (1977), with the results expressed in units of
activity (UA) per milligram of protein. Peroxidase activity (POD) was
determined according to Teisseire and Guy (2000), and the results were
expressed in micromoles of purpurogalin per minute per milligram of
protein. Catalase (CAT) activity was determined according to the
methodology proposed by Peixoto et al. (1999), and the experimental
results were expressed as micromoles of substrate decomposed per
μKat per μg protein. Total soluble proteins were quantified according to
Bradford (1976), and the results were used to calculate the levels of
antioxidant enzymes.
Total chlorophyll levels were determined according to the method
described by Sims and Gamon (2002), and absorbance values were
converted to µg per 100 g FW.
Statistical analysis
The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the
Tukey test at a significance level of 5 % to compare average values
determined for samples subjected to different doses of SA and different
durations of storage. Additionally, principal component analyses (PCA)
were performed to characterize interactions between SA concentrations
and storage durations using XLSTAT software, version 2017, by
Addinsoft, France.
SA positively affects postharvest quality of 'Niagara Rosada' grapes when
stored under cold conditions. Treatment of grapes with low SA doses
(0.28 g L
) effectively improves fruit quality by increasing levels of total
phenolic compounds. Furthermore, exogenous application of SA
enhances the antioxidant capacity of berries, particularly on the 5th day
of cold storage. In addition, the application of 0.83 and 1.10 g L
enhances anthocyanin content in berries and increases antioxidant
enzyme activities (POD and SOD) in the stem, which are important
features for enhancing preservation and reducing the incidence of decay
in 'Niagara Rosada' grape bunches.
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