accumulated of thermal sum (12 hybrids) of 381.4 °C, varying from
347 to 450.9 °C, in an average of 32 days, varying from 29 to 38 days
(Table 2). The duration of phase II was from 6 to 11 days longer than
reported by Marouelli and Silva (2002), who obtained from 23 to 27
days in phase II, but for different hybrids.
For reproductive stage, phase III (flowering to beginning of
maturation), 12 hybrids had an average accumulated of thermal sum
of 530.7 °C, varying from 438.7 to 576 °C, in an average of 49.8 days,
varying from 41 to 54 days (Table 1). Marouelli and Silva (2002) found
from 50 to 60 days in phase III. To phase Iva (beginning of maturation
up to 50% of mature fruits) average accumulated of thermal sum was
259.6 °C, varying from 205.8 to 330.6 °C, in an average of 26.2 days,
from 21 to 33 days (Table 1).
The hybrids BS-P33, CVR-8161, HM-7885 and HM-7883 had lowest
thermal accumulated thermal sum, statistically different from other
hybrids, which varied from 1,365.14 to 1,379.98 °C (total cycle), in
121.5 to 123 days. However, the highest average accumulated of
thermal sum were hybrids H-1301, CVR-6116, H1536, CVR-2909,
TPX-26856, CVR-8126, CT-35 and N-90, with 1,391.4 to 1,437.0 °C
(total cycle), in 124.3 to 129 days. The lowest yields were obtained
with hybrids CTI-35 and H-1536, intermediate yields with hybrids H-
1301, CRV-6116 and N-901, and the highest yields with hybrids: HM-
7885, CVR-2909, CVR-8126, TPX-26856, HM7883, BS-P33. The
hybrids with highest yields also had lowest accumulated thermal sum,
except to TPX-26856 and CRV-8126.
For the second plantings, there was no significant difference in
duration of development stages to 12 hybrids. To phase I, average
accumulated of thermal sum was 73.9 °C in 7.7 days (Table 2). To
phase II, average accumulated of thermal sum was of 284.4 °C in 26.3