AJCS 18(07):408-415 (2024) ISSN:1835-2707
Convolutional neural network as an efficient alternative to supervised
learners for modelling plant diseases
Sridevy Sridarane
, Praveena Sivalogeswaran
, Nirmala Devi
, Hema Bharathi Chinnaswamy
, Kumaresan
, Djanaguiraman Maduraimuthu
, S. Rajabathar
Natarajan Balakrishnan
Department of Physical Science & Information Technology, Tamil
Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3, India
Teaching Faculty, Food and Agribusiness Management, NIFTEM-T,
Thanjavur- 5, India
Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, India
Centre for Water and Geospatial Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore-3, India
Department of Crop Physiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore-3, India
Kanchi Mamunivar Government Institute for Postgraduate Studies and
Research, Puducherry -8, India
Teaching Assistant, AC & RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore-3, India
Abstract: The high productivity of the agricultural sector is crucial to
the Global economy, as well as the national economy. For instance,
India increased its nation's GDP by a factor of 17% to 18% in the past
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few decades. In India, the farming sector is the primary source of
income. Numerous insects and illnesses have an impact on plant
development, amount, and quality of products. Therefore, it is crucial
to find the diseases early in the plant's development. Image
processing is used to identify plant diseases and pests. Artificial
intelligence, machine learning, and visual analysis have all been used
in the past few decades to find and diagnose plant diseases. These
computerized techniques are excellent for quickly monitoring vast
acreage. In this study, we used the foliage of potato plants to identify
diseased leaves affected by early blight, as well as late blight. A
Comparison is thus laid between the Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) Model for this purpose, and the standard Supervised Learning
Classifiers, like
Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine,
AdaBoost, etc. The comparison is subjected not only towards the
traditional Metrics, like Accuracy, Precision, etc. but is expanded to
temporal domains as well, that is the time taken to compute the
results. Also, the training, and testing split used while incorporating
the model is another deciding factor in its performance. Several such
trainingtesting splits are considered for such, and thereby, the
convolutional Neural Network Model is found to be better in
performance than the Supervised Machine Learners irrespective of the
Splitting Ratio of the Training, and the Testing Data.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Artificial Neurons,
Solanum Tuberosum.
India is a country of farmers; agribusiness and productive employment
account for over sixty per cent of the country's workforce. India's
agricultural industry is reliant on the monsoon months Agriculture
produces greater quantities when the rainy season is favourable; while
when it is bad, farming produces fewer crops or is not in good health.
India had the second-largest populace in the world. As a result of
expanding populations, farm holdings have been broken up and
disorganized, making them unprofitable. Agriculture cultivation in
India employs conventional Zhang et al. (2022) techniques and
conventional machinery. This is a result of the destitution of
individuals and ignorance. Farmers planted a variety of crops on their
farms. Here, crops occupy 75% of the land used for cultivation and
commercial crops occupy only the remaining 25%. India has two
cropping seasons Rabi, and Kharif, and the monsoon is solely
responsible for such. All region's harvest trends are influenced by a
variety of variables, including the environment, climate, the system of
irrigation, financial drivers, facilities, and social engagement.
Agricultural issues are numerous. In India, farming practices remained
self-sustaining, but output is still reliant on resources, cereal-centric,
and often geographically Gharib and Mandour (2022) biased, raising
sustainability concerns. Farmers have been using increasing amounts
of pesticides and fertilizers to boost crop yield, but these methods
come with a couple of drawbacks; they may negatively affect human
health and make people sick; and Bugs will eventually acquire a
resistance to the chemicals, rendering them ineffectual over time. 10%
of the freshwater we use is for cultivation. New industrial methods
need additional water. The manufacturing process of the main crops
in India temporarily stops. Due to an enormous discrepancy amid the
demands and supplies of the nation's growing population and
manufacturing, legislation administrators and administrators are
concerned. On one farming operation, the landowner continually
harvested the same crop, making it less fertile. Studying the
development of vegetation necessitates monitoring of its chemical and
physical characteristics. Chlorophyll Najm et al. (2012) as well as
nitrogen Johns and Keen (1986) in plant leaves are essential for the
development of plants and additionally for gathering knowledge
regarding strain and nutrition shortages, as referred by Kumar et al.
(2023a). There are two ways we can obtain this knowledge, the
traditional approach, in which producers used their unaided vision to
examine the development of the plants, nevertheless lacked
competence in this field and it is not appropriate for a big region.
Fig 1. Pictorial description of a few images from the dataset used for
the research. The images in the first row correspond to Healthy Potato
Leaves, for the second row, they are affected by the Early Blight
Disease, and the third row corresponds to the Late Blight affected
Potato Leaves.
Healthy Leaves
Leaves affected by Early Blight
Leaves affected by Late Blight
This method is both time- and money-consuming. Another option is
the usage of recent technical tools such as image processing, machine
intelligence, and sensors for remote monitoring. Plants as well as
farming fields are negatively impacted by diseases that affect plant
leaves. illnesses caused by a variety of microbes, inheritable disorders,
and contagious factors such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Huang et
al. (2019) Potato plant leaves have been utilized in this study. The
majority of tuber leaf illnesses are caused by fungi and bacteria. Early
and late forms of blight are bacterium-fungal infections and illnesses.
The most important agricultural product on the planet is the potato. In
India, potatoes are a crop that flourishes in a subtropical environment.
It is economical nourishment since it supplies less expensive celery
for human consumption. Starch, Vitamin B1, along Vitamin C is all
found in potatoes. There are multiple industrial uses for potatoes.
Healthy foliage is crucial for potato plants because later on they may
produce enough calories for preservation in cellars which will
ultimately develop into tubers. To detect the presence of
abnormalities on the surface of the tuber, several methods can be
adopted, like the Convolutional Neural Networks, and the Classical
Supervised Learners. Each of these will have its efficiency and
performance to the research problem targeted in this article, but the
most important one would be the algorithm that can predict the
presence of disease-causing pathogens on the surface of tuber with a
higher accuracy than other, and that too without compromising much
on the Spatiotemporal domains. Though similar conduct has been
made in specific samples of potato leaves, in some existing literature,
like Dutta et al. (2023c), and Dutta et al. (2023d) none provokes the
variation in efficacy of the detection of disease in the leaves with
variation in Training Testing Split. Training Testing split is another
important parameter affecting the efficacy and the computational
complexities of different algorithms. It is defined as the ratio in which
the dataset used for the modelling purpose is split to train the data
and the remaining to compute the efficiency of the model when tested
on data that is completely naïve to them. The sections that follow
declare a brief idea of the nutritional benefits of the Potato tubers,
and their biological domains, demonstrate the methods and data used
for the research, and further delineate the results obtained as a metric
for the comparisons.
Subject of Conduct
Solanum tuberosum
Following the grains of rice, wheat, and cereal grains, potatoes
Solanum tuberosum
) are the world's fourth-most significant
agricultural crop and among the most widely farmed tuber products.
The potato, which has a basic set of 12 chromosomes, is a member of
category of the genus
. In addition to being a
popular vegetable, potatoes are also utilized by Jung et al. (2003) to
create processed dishes. Potatoes are also utilized in the production
of alcoholic beverages and starch. The majority of the main difficulties
for potato developers is the creation of cultivars with agronomically
significant features and high preservation
Table 1. Tabularization of the results (Training and Testing F1 Score)
for each of the algorithms used in the subjection of the research split
at a ratio of 80: 20.
Testing F1
Support Vector
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Gaussian Naïve
Neural Network
Table 2. Tabularization of the results (Training and Testing F1 Score)
for each of the algorithms used in the subjection of the research split
at a ratio of 90: 10.
Training F1
Testing F1
Support Vector
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Gaussian Naïve
Neural Network
qualities. Any crop enhancement effort must first examine the
diversity of genes which allowed parents to be chosen to facilitate
effective the process of hybridization. The subsequent methods are
typically used to evaluate the variation in the genetics of the potato
crop populations, like the analysis of morphology, biochemical
assessment, as well as genomic indicator study. Goodwin et al. (1994)
found limited genetic diversity in processed potatoes; therefore,
molecular indicators are essential for evaluating genetic
diversification. Adequate genetic indicators should be exhibited in all
tissues, organs, and phases of crop growth. They must be at the
chromosomal level. When contrasted with conventional breeding
initiatives, molecular indicators can boost the efficacy as well as the
effectiveness of breeding initiatives. Numerous molecular methods,
including RAPD, Microsatellite markers, AFLP, chloroplast RFLP,
nuclear RFLP, etc., are used in potato development for many different
purposes, including determining the genetic composition of the crop.
One of the first crops to be grown for sustenance was the potato.
Perennial herbaceous vegetation, the potatoes are grown in moderate,
subtropical, and tropical climates. It is a cool season crop in essence.
The primary constraining aspect of the cultivation of potatoes is heat.
Tuber growth is severely hampered by conditions beneath 10°C (50°F)
in addition to 30°C (86°F). An estimated 320 million tons of potatoes
are produced worldwide annually as per Haas et al. (2009) over an
area of cultivation of around 20 million hectares. Almost thirty per
cent of all tubers originate in both India and China, which are
currently the world's top two potato producers. As opposed to this,
the major potato-producing nations on the continent are Egypt,
Algeria, as well as Morocco, according to the sequence. Since the
beginning of the twentieth century, the cultivation of potatoes has
steadily surpassed that of all other food crops throughout Africa and
Asia, claim Haan and Rodriguez. The global production of potatoes is
changing significantly. Up before the early 1990s, the majority of
tubers were produced and consumed in North America, Europe, and
nations in the days when the Soviet Union existed. One of the primary
biological limits on the cultivation of potatoes, especially throughout
tropical climates in addition to some warmer temperate parts of
around the globe, is the presence of pathogenic
bacterial infections. Around seven bacterial infections severely harm
potatoes, particularly their tubers, which are the plant's most precious
resource commercially. The most serious illnesses are thought to be
bacterial wilt and back leg, while minor ones as mentioned by
Comesaña-Campos and Bouza-Rodríguez (2014) include potato ring
rot, as well as common scab. Early blight is a fungal infection caused
Alternaria solani
which damages tomato as well as potato plants.
The disease induces unique bullseye structured spots on foliage in
addition to stalk lesions, and potato tuber blight. It additionally
causes stalk spots. Although they are called early, foliar
abnormalities typically appear on older leaves. Early blight may
substantially decrease yields if left unchecked. Eliminating prolonged
moisture on the foliage and using fungicides are the main strategies
for treating this fungal infection. The harmful potato and tomato
ailment referred to as late blight or just potato blight is brought on by
the oomycete, occasionally referred to as water mould, known as
Phytophthora infestans
Results and Discussions
This section discusses the results and possible affirmations from the
subject of research. As mentioned in the previous section, for the
active contrasting of the results, we included the Deep Learner
methodology and convolutional neural Network as a subject of
comparison with the classical Supervised Learners, like the k Nearest
Neighbours, AdaBoost, SVM, and others mentioned in Section 3. Also,
it was mentioned in the introductory section itself, that the variations
in the ratio in which the training and the testing data would be split
would incorporate a huge change in the efficiency of the results as
shown by these paradigms of Machine Intelligence, similar to Kumar
et al. (2023b). For the fruitful classification of the results, we have
considered a fledged set of variances in the split ratio, starting with
the very traditional 80 20 Split, and then paving our way through 90
10, 70 30, 60 40, and finally 50 50. All of these splittings were
applied to the Convolutional Neural Network model as well since it is
also not devoid of the variance that is shown when the ratio is varied.
Table 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 delineates the results following the 90 10, 80
20, 70 30, 60 40, and 50 50 Split, respectively. For the
Fig 2. Pictorial description of the Convolutional Neural Network, that is
used as an effective alternative to the Supervised Learners.
Fig 3. Comparative Plot showing the Training, and Testing F1 Scores
for each of the algorithms following 80 20 Split.
Fig 4. Comparative Plot showing the Training, and Testing F1 Scores
for each of the algorithms following 90 10 Split.
results, we have considered both the Training, as well as Testing F1
Scores. The predictive ability of a model on an information set is
gauged by the F1 score. It is employed to assess binary categorization
schemes that label instances as "positive" or "negative." The harmonic
average of recall as well as accuracy is the F1 score, following Dutta et
al. (2023b). As a result, it systematically captures both recall as well as
accuracy in just one measure. Mathematically,
𝐹1 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 =
2 × 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
Here, as per Table 1, the Convolutional Neural Network model is
attaining the best F1 Score (training, & testing)
following an 80 20 Split. The respective scores are 0.9645556401
and 0.9535545568, respectively. None of the Supervised Machine
Learning Techniques are quite close.
Here, as per Table 2, the Convolutional Neural Network model is
attaining the best F1 Score (training, & testing) following a 90 10
Split. The respective scores are 0.979980772 and 0.857674529
respectively. None of the Supervised Machine Learning Techniques are
quite close.
Here, as per Table 3, the Convolutional Neural Network model is
attaining the best F1 Score (training, & testing) following a 70 30
Split. The respective scores are 0.964567282 and 0.861219286
respectively. None of the Supervised Machine Learning Techniques are
quite close.
Table 3. Tabularization of the results (Training and Testing F1 Score)
for each of the algorithms used in the subjection of the research split
at a ratio of 70: 30.
Training F1
Testing F1
Support Vector
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Gaussian Naïve
Neural Network
Table 4. Tabularization of the results (Training and Testing F1 Score)
for each of the algorithms used in the subjection of the research split
at a ratio of 60: 40.
Training F1
Testing F1
Support Vector
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Gaussian Naïve
Neural Network
Table 5. Tabularization of the results (Training and Testing F1 Score)
for each of the algorithms used in the subjection of the research split
at a ratio of 50: 50.
Training F1
Testing F1
Support Vector
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Gaussian Naïve
Neural Network
Here, as per Table 4, the Convolutional Neural Network model is
attaining the best F1 Score (training, & testing) following a 60 40
Split. The respective scores are 0.964323775 and 0.962918509
respectively. None of the Supervised Machine Learning Techniques are
quite close.
Here, as per Table 5, the Convolutional Neural Network model is
attaining the best F1 Score (training, & testing) following a 50 50
Split. The respective scores are 0.967642046 and 0.922732065
respectively. None of the Supervised Machine Learning Techniques are
quite close.
Graphical Interpretation of each of these splits and the observations
have been noted hereby in the Figure 3-7.
From the tabularization and the figures, it is clear that the
Convolutional Neural Network Model is better in performance than the
Supervised Machine Learners irrespective of the Splitting Ratio of the
Training, and the Testing Data, which is an incremental finding to the
existing literature, Dutta et al. (2023c), and Dutta et al. (2023d).
Materials and Methods
In this section, information is laid out about the dataset used for the
subject of research and the methodologies used for the same.
Plant materials
The dataset used here in this research consists of 500 images of
Potato plants that are healthy, and affected by Early Blight, and Late
Blight respectively. It is believed that the sharing of research materials
will serve as a better outlet for any research. The dataset used in this
research can be availed by reaching out to the corresponding author.
Figure 1 is a glimpse of the entire dataset used for research. The first
row is composed of some images of Healthy Potato Leaves, the second
row of Potato leaves affected by Early Blight, and the third one of
leaves affected by Late Blight.
Processing of digital images starts with the acquisition of the images
by some sensory medium as mentioned by Smith and Martinez (2011),
like the Human Eye or the Camera. Following that, Image
Enhancement techniques are introduced in the image to get
information about several hidden stats and details in the image, which
is followed by the Image Restoration Techniques, in which we make
use of mathematical or probabilistic techniques to remove
unnecessary noise and interferences in the data. Once the imagery
points present inside of the dataset have been passed successfully
through the aforementioned steps, we charge them with the necessary
algorithms to undertake the Supervised Learning. Here, in this article,
we used Support Vector Machine,
- Nearest Neighbours, AdaBoost,
Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Gaussian Naïve Bayes. Further, we
utilized a Convolutional Neural Network to correspond to the
Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
are one of the efficient
supervised learners that can be applied to both regression and
classification-based problems. Finding an axis of separation that
optimally isolates the different categories in the simulation data is the
basic goal of Support Vectorized Machines. The framework for
achieving this is to find a suitable hyperplane with the biggest
collateral, indicating the distinction that exists between the
hyperplane along with the closest data suites for each class. After
scrutinizing the
Fig 5. Comparative Plot showing the Training, and Testing F1 Scores
for each of the algorithms following 70 30 Split.
Fig 6. Comparative Plot showing the Training, and Testing F1 Scores
for each of the algorithms following 60 40 Split.
Fig 7. Comparative Plot showing the Training, and Testing F1 Scores
for each of the algorithms following 50 50 Split.
hyperplane that is efficient enough, fresh, new training data can be
categorized by identifying the component of the hyperplane it appears
on. When the data includes a lot of features or whenever there is a
distinct tolerance of demarcation in the information as in Wang et al.
(2022) being analyzed, SVMs are quite helpful. One of the oldest
and most fundamental yet crucial categorization methods in machine
learning is
k-Nearest Neighbors
. It belongs to the area of
supervised development and is extensively utilized in the investigation
of intrusions, data exploration, as done by Dutta and Saha (2022), and
the recognition of patterns. Due to its non-parameterized nature,
which means that it makes no fundamental presumptions concerning
the pattern of distribution of information, it is frequently used in real-
world circumstances. The artificially intelligent meta-algorithm known
, or
Adaptive Boosting
, was created by Yoav Freund and
Robert Schapire, who additionally earned the 2003 Gödel Prize for
their contributions to machine learning. The effectiveness of the
algorithm can be enhanced by combining it with a variety of additional
instructional techniques. The results of the additional algorithmic
methods of learning, or "weak learners," are merged to create an
evenly distributed total that corresponds to the enhanced classifier's
outcome. AdaBoost is adjustable in that it modifies future weak
learners to promote instances that prior classifiers erroneously
identified. AdaBoost is cognizant of anomalies and noisy information.
It may be less prone to the overfitting issue than other machine
learning techniques in particular situations, as raised by Dutta et al.
(2023a). It has been demonstrated that the result of the model
converges to an effective learner even if the learning outcome of every
learner individually is just marginally better compared to arbitrary
speculation. AdaBoost using decision trees to serve as poor learners is
commonly referred to as being the most effective
unconventional classifier. However, every machine learning technique
tends to adapt to specific issue forms more effectively than others,
and it usually includes numerous distinct settings and arrangements
to modify beforehand so it accomplishes its optimum efficiency on an
information set. When employed with a decision tree, the AdaBoost
technique's data regarding the corresponding "hardness" of every
example used for training is introduced into the branch-growing
procedure to ensure that subsequent trees prefer to concentrate on
cases that are more difficult to categorize, as done by Dutta et al.
(2022a). Arguably among the most effective techniques for supervised
learning for both regression as well as classification applications is the
Decision Tree
. It creates an organized architecture resembling an
organizational diagram wherein every node within the structure
symbolizes an evaluation of a characteristic, every branch is a test
result, and every leaf node is a class identifier. A limiting requirement,
such as the deepest possible level of the structure or the least number
of specimens needed for splitting a particular node, is reached by
repeatedly separating the data that was used for training into
subgroups that correspond to the numerical values of the
characteristics. Supremum duo of the countless activities that can be
carried out using the effective algorithm for machine learning -
Random Forest
" are categorization and regression. The randomized
forest framework is made up of several tiny decision tree structures,
referred to as estimators, each of whose outputs produce a unique set
of estimates because it is a consolidation technique. The estimators'
estimates are combined by the method of random forest modelling to
yield a more accurate forecast, as referenced by Dutta et al. (2022b).
Gaussian Naive Bayes
has its foundation in the principle of Bayes and
is utilized for a variety of classification tasks. The further development
of Naive Bayes is called Gaussian Naive Bayes. It constitutes a single of
Naive Bayes' models for categorization. There is a Gaussian spectrum
for information that is continuous. Because of this, we categorize
continuous data using the Gaussian Naive Bayes. The Gaussian
method makes it simpler to determine the mean as well as the
standard deviation concerning the sample information. A particular
kind of neural network called a convolutional neural network (CNN) is
employed mostly to perform computation and identification of
images. A layer of input, layers that are hidden, and an output tier
make up this structure. The concealed layers of a network of
convolutional neural networks contain any number of layers of
convolution. This typically contains a layer that does a dot product
operation of the input matrices of the layer that corresponds with the
convolutional kernel (refer to Figure 2). Artificial neurons are arranged
in numerous layers to form convolutional neural networks. Synthetic
neurons are computational operations that determine a stimulation
value by summing the weights of various inputs.
Plant Pathology is turning out to be an important pie in modern times.
Even if we divulge into the domains of India, we would conclude that,
in India, the preliminary source of income for a wide group of
individuals is in some way or the other related to the Agricultural
Sector. If we can supportively withstand all of the threats that our
agricultural sector may face, our economy will be directly helped. The
F1 Scores shown in the tables above show the variation of the Training
and the Testing Scores with the variation in the Training and Testing
Split for each of the Algorithms. It was observed that the
Convolutional Neural Networking Model is performing the best for
each of the splitting ratios. Though CNNs have been known to work
well for these cases of plant pathology, the number of training
samples required by the neuronal layers is exceptionally high.
ChaosNet is an Artificial Neural Network, which is built on the
dynamics of the unit-dimensional Chaotic Generalized Luroth Series,
which is known to work well even with a considerably lower number of
training samples. The same can be used for the pathological imagery
to get the results reunited in a quite minimal threshold requirement.
This would help us Economically, Ecologically, Socially, Mentally, and
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